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"Is it important to keep him. Everything that the princess said about that peasant is true. "

"Shut up!" A familiar voice muttered.

"Why are you still defending him? We have suffered enough because of your affiliation. Can we even trust him? He can just be using you."

"I said Shut UP!!!!" Duryodhan yelled.

Me and Shon were just outside the door of the medic chambers. The Kaurav brothers were in there talking to the injured prince. My blood was boiled but someone else had taken a faster response. Shon barged in without taking any precedence.

A feud and bloodshed would've occurred if not for the intervention of me and Duryodhan. Shon was struggling to let go when both my hands grabbed him by his waist.

"Shon, calm down," I said.

"No!! They don't know a single fucking thing and they have the right to blab on!?" He strugglingly said.

"People!!" Shon Shouted.

"That's what he wants.

People who he trusts, people who care about him. He'll do anything for them.

Because that's what he wants. People! Recognizing him. Treating him like he is. A warrior."

Shon said grievingly. Tears were rolling down his eyes. His voice cracking as I held him.


"No, Let him!" Duryodhan said stopping one of the stomping brothers heading towards Shon. His words were enough for them to follow. I had heard that Duryodhan beat one of the Kaurav's simply because he badmouthed Dusala. What will he do when one of them disobeys him?

"You are saving the life of this peasen--"

"I'm not saving him, I saving yours you idiot." And he was right. Hitting them was the last thing on my mind but when Durmukh headed for Shon, my fists clenched on its own. Guess Duryodhan sensed that.

"You know, I was just a small child but I clearly remember it. The attack of the beast on our village." He looked at a bedridden Duryodhan.

"Maa and father had left for Aunties home in the next city. She was sick at the time. Brother took care of me. Vrushali brought the food for us. " Shon stopped for a second, he was probably assembling the memories in his mind.

"Shon stop," I whispered.

"NO!!" He yelled. After clearing his throat, he continued.

"Suddenly, people started screaming. We heard ripping sounds of cloths, tumbling utensils, and fire in the village. It was fairly close to our house."

"We all were scared including Bhai. But he didn't falter. I remember, he carried me on his back to the roof and he himself stayed down. "

I grabbed Shon by the arm and forced him to walk away.

"Wait!!!" Someone other than him shouted behind me.

"Let him continue," Vikarna said. I looked at the injured prince. He nodded. My grip loosened on Shon.

He took a deep breath "From that height, I saw it. The beast. It was tumbling the houses like they were haystacks. It was a Bear.

'Being on height meant nothing if he can easily take down a house.' Bhai said.

He grabbed a knife from the kitchen and grasped a nearby plow. By then the bear had come very close. I could see the red eyes that shone in the night. Bhai's legs were trembling as he stood in front of it.

Sootputra: The Unsung HeroWhere stories live. Discover now