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“So that’s how you became a king!”

“Yeah. I guess I did.”

“Fascinating story. Quite different from mine.”

“Yeah, I know. Yours have a little more…….. girls.”

He chuckles.

“You could say that. Though I am sad to hear that Vrushali hated me in the end.

I would’ve become a good husband. I already have some experience, you know.”

“I think that’s the exact thing that pissed her off.” 

The air wasn’t cold anymore. It wasn’t flowing like it did before. The piles of bodies now came into light as the clouds covering the moon faded away. Though the smell of blood wasn’t present as it was a couple seconds ago. The reflection from swords, shields and armours all along the battlefield was like glittering stars. This was the first time Karna despised the thought of stars. 

“But I think you owned another kingdom. Right?”

“I protected, Keshav. I didn’t own it.

The kingdom you are talking about is Malini.

Jarasandh gave it to me.”

“Aah, yes my long distant relative and a sore enemy.

That was a feat to be honoured.

You know, Bheema barely beat that guy.

Even I was forced to flee the battlefield against him.

He was the one who names me Ranchor(One who deserts battle.), you know.”

“Yeah, After you defeated him Sixteen times.”

Hari had a smirk on his face. His eyes didn’t even flinch a bit. 

“Yeah, That Guy is persistent.

What can I say? But he sure is strong. And his boon of dying by only splitting his body made him almost immortal.

His persistence is the reason I had to shift my kingdom to the Island of Dwarka.”

“Why didn’t you kill him then?”

“It wasn’t my place to kill him. It was yours.

If you had just finished him that day, I wouldn’t have had to use Bheema for it.” 

The mood turned a little serious as the memories of the fight flashed in Karna’s mind. The price he had to pay to win it was a little high. 

“Things were a little……. complicated than that. 

I just ….couldn’t.” I said

“Tell me?”

“I will when we reach that part.

Just know that something along the way changed…..”

“Change! Huh? 

That’s the thing, my friend.

The Karna that you are telling me about, he seems like a different person.

He seems to only wish to be acknowledged by everyone. 

All his life he struggled, worked the hardest, to be the best…

But the Karna I knew, only wanted to be better.

He always carried a face of grim, sadness like a whirlpool sucking all brightness away. Even though he always radiated so much. You turned to a lamp, always shining for others but staying in the dark yourself.

Sootputra: The Unsung HeroWhere stories live. Discover now