Strange love

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A/N this is a pray story but there in high school and there will most likely be more than one part

POV Pallet

I was walking to school with, Goth and he kept talking about his old childhood friend Cray and how he was transferred to our school. I don't know the guy but I'm sure he's nice. "Hey Pallet, do you think I'll recognize Cray? Heh mabey I don't know what he looks like." I had a crush on goth and wanted to ask him out but i didn't want to ruin our friendship. I sighed and Goth noticed "Hey Pally you ok, you seem out of it?" I looked at goth and smiled a sort of sad smile and said "Yeah Goth I'm ok." He smiled back his cute smile and said ok. The rest of the walk was silent.

When we got to school Goth was looking around for Cray and when he spotted him he ran up and hugged him. "Yo Gothy it's been a minute hasn't it?" He laughed. He was pretty handsome and as I walked up to him he didn't look as nice as Goth had said. He had a crush on Goth as well, it was obvious.


As I spotted Goth he ran up to me and hugged me. He is still as cute as I remembered, but I saw another small skeleton a little taller than Goth. Turn out his name is Pallet. He must have a crush on Goth too he is looking at him like he's his, well jokes on him I'll win Goth over first. Then the bell rang and we went into our classes. I had art then gym. I noticed that Pallet and I were in the same enrichment classes. Wow I have to deal with this cute dork the rest of the year..... WAIT did I just say cute??? Bleh must be my heat. I got to the classroom and sat down. Took out my art stuff and the teacher started, she said to buddy up and we will be drawing your partner. Everyone had a partner but me and Pallet. So we were forced to pair up. The teacher said to start drawing. No words were said between us we just drew each other. I glanced at Pallets work he is a good artist he can really draw. But i looked away and kept drawing. I was working on his face I smiled liking how it was turning out. Then the timer went off and the teacher said to present our work to our partner. I showed mine to Pallet he smiled and blushed a bit. He is cute I'll give him that. Then he showed his to me I smiled, it was amazing work. Then I don't know why but we sat and just looked into each other's eyes for a moment. Then we both looked away flustered. After that awkward moment the bell rang as if on cue and we left the room to head to the gym.


When Mr.Error was done talking he sent us to the lockers to change. I walked in and went to the far lockers where I could see anyone but they couldn't see me. I started stripping. I had got my shirt off when I saw thru a crack Cray with his shirt off. He was talking to the other boys, not even bothered by them. I blushed he looked so hot the colors of his ecto body were green and pink they are good colors on him. I shook my head. Why am I thinking like this??? He's my enemy not a date! I have a crush on Goth and Goth only! Right? Bleh, whatever I finished changing and tried to get past the jocks so they wouldn't bother me like usual. Then this guy whispered to Cray "Hey Cray I think someone has a crush on ya." I blushed and knew he was talking about me. I walked quicker, but was stoped and pulled back. Oh god not now not In front of him! One of the jocks pulled me back and pushed me into Cray's body he still had his shirt off. My face hit his chest and I was a little dazed, I looked up into his gorgeous eyes, the ones I locked with around 10 minutes ago. He got down to my level and asked "Hey? Hey Pallet you ok? Your nose is bleeding." I shook my head and backed away from him all the other guys were laughing at me. I didn't care I to dazed to understand just said "uuuuggg my head hurts..." cray looked at me with a worried look and grabbed a tissue and put it to my nose. Then I snapped back the guys weren't laughing anymore but staring. I grabbed the tissue from him and said "it happens all the time I get bloody noses easy. I'm going to the office." Then I walked out still in my gym clothes and cray following close behind. Cray asked if he could help me to the office. And I'm glad because I almost passed out on the way there. He had put his shirt on by the way right before we asked to go to the office.


I was furious with that guy who pushed Pallet. And all he did was shrug it off. But when he landed in my arms he was warm against my body and I wanted to protect him with all my might. But all I could do right now was apologize to him for that other guys stupidity. And what did he say to my apology "it's ok they do this all the time don't worry about it." WHAT? They do this all the time? I don't know what made me want to do this but, I wanted to walk Pallet every where and make sure he is ok. After Pallet got fixed up we went our separate ways and to our classes after we changed and got our stuff. And the reason that guy said he had a crush on me was because I said to the guy "Hey why do you think he's staring at me?" That's the whole reason it happened! I'm so stupid!


I was walking home with Goth and he kept saying how worried he was about Pallet, and how he normally walks him home. I was a little worried to but, meh less competition right? I said bye to Goth and started walking to the store to get a snack, because why not? When in an alleyway I herd sobbing and a small scream. I looked and saw a guy beating Pallet. He saw me and ran away, I wanted to go after him but knew Pallet needed me more right now. I ran up to him. He was crying and hurt all over. I lightly put my jacket around him and picked him up, careful of his wounds. And I started running home the wounds didn't look like they were hospital worthy, I thought I would take him home. Then when he wakes up I'll call his parents to pick him up. When we got to my house I took him upstairs to the bathroom and laied him on the floor. He was out cold but still breathing. So I started stripping him, and looked at his wounds fully. Small scratches and bruises but otherwise ok. I took off all his clothes but his boxers, for now at least and turned the water on in the tub. I decided I would clean him up and take care of him. When the water was warm and the tub was full I stripped him completely and lightly picked him up and put him in the water. I grabbed a wash cloth and started washing his wounds. He looked small and helpless like this. Then it crossed my mind what if he woke up while I was cleaning him? I blushed and looked up and down at his full body, he was soooo fucking cute! I shook my head and continued cleaning him. When that was done I got him up and dried him off and rapped the towel around him and took him to my room. Then laid him on my bed while I went to find clothes for him. Then I herd a small yelp and turned around to see a naked Pallet trying to cover himself with the towel.

POV Pallet

I woke up laying on a soft bed. Did that guy kid nap me or was this a dream. I sat up and looked down the guy definitely beat me up but I was naked with only a towel on. This is weird. Then I looked up to see Cray going thru a closet and turn around to see me. I let out a small yelp and tried to cover myself but failed. I was confused till Cray explained what had happened. And I was so thankful that cray had helped me but was embarrassed that he had seen me naked. I was a blushing mess! Then he spoke in that sweet voice of his, "Hey it's ok I just wanted to clean you up. And umm I think your other clothes are to dirty to put back on. And I wanted to let you where these." He handed a good pair of boxers and a huge shirt that slumped down on one of my shoulders. He giggled and blushed I did to, then we burst out laughing. I ran up to him and rapped my arms around him and hugged him tight, I think I officially know who I have a crush on.........

Ehheehhehhehehehehehehehehheeh think I should do a pt2???.?

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