naj!au Pj x Fresh

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I'm sorry I haven't been writing as much I've just been tired and shit BUT I will try and write more in the future

Also! This is a smut story! So enjoy!


It was a usal day. I had met Alphas and my other friends in the morning then went to class. The only off thing is that... Pj was acting weird, like he had something else on his mind... He wasn't talking to his friends as much, and he seemed to want to stare at me whenever I was in the area. During the last period of the day, wich was gym, he wasn't playing as good and he missed shots he shouldn't have. Even Coach Error got on him. He seemed more flushed. He was panting and when Error saw this he made him sit out for the rest of the class dispite his refusal. He seemed to calm down a bit and after class I was the last one out along with Pj. He pulled me back by my gym bag and asked "Meet me by my locker, ok?" I was confused but I nodded not wanting to get on his bad side. When I got there, with my book bag in hand, he said "Listen I n-need your help o-ok?" I was nervous of what he was asking. So me being the nerd I was said "With what h-homework or a b-book report?" He shifted and said "Uuuuu yeah. Can you come over to my house, we can do it there." I let out a breath and relaxed. He just needed help with homework nothing bad right?

Time skip brought to you by a lazy person!

When we got to Pj's house he said "let's go up stairs so we'll have some privacy." I nodded but was a little confused, Coach Error wasn't even here yet. Strange. When we get up stairs to his room he closes the door and I sit on his bed setting my stuff down next to it. He then turns back to me and we lock eyes for a moment. I blush and look away. I had a crush on Pj since 3rd grade. So when he asked me for help I couldn't say no. He then moved twords me and pinned me down on the bed. I blushed even more than before. He then leaned down to my neck and jently trailed kisses and nips down my neck. I was shocked but I didn't fight back this is like one of my lewd dreams come true!  But how far was he going to take it? He then pulled away and I whimpered from the lack of warmth. He then said "I'm sorry but I've had the hots for you I don't know how long heh, I-i think my heat finally sent me over haha...." I smiled at him and giggled and said "Me to hehe." He looked shocked and smiled back. Pj then asked me "Can we keep going or...uuu heh?" I giggled and said "Let me take my glasses and hat off hehe." He nodded and I toke them off and placed them on the bed side table. He then reposioned himself over me again, and continued to lick my neck. As he nipped at my neck I let out shaky breaths and moans. He then started to un button my shirt and run his hands over my ribs. I purred at how good he was making me feel. He then took his jacket and shirt off as well and got back over me. I marveled at his gorgeous ecto body. It was a nice pink color. I then removed my shirt all the way. We tossed our clothes to the side and he leaned close and kissed me, sticking his tongue in my mouth. I moaned into the kiss as he ran a hand over my own ecto body and ribs. After a little of playing with each other's body's we finally removed our pants. I was a little nervous because of how large his dick was, plus it was my first time, so would all dicks look big to me? Anyway I looked away, bracing for the pain. But all I felt was 2 fingers gently push in and out of me. I moaned as he went faster and added another finger. Right when I was about to cum he pulled out and reposioned himself and pulled my bottom up a bit for a better angle.
Then he gently pushed inside of me and as he did, it surprisingly it felt amazing! I moaned as he trusted harder and harder with every moan he went harder. "AAHAH-P-pj! More more I'm gonna cum!" I screamed like that the whole time almost. "F-fuck Fresh if you keep squeezing m-me like a-ah that I'm gonna cum..." He moved to my neck and right when I was about to cum he thrust all the way in and bit my neck hard, making me cum as he came inside me. When he pulled away from my neck I could feel blood run down my neck. He leaned dow and licked my neck clean as I purred in pain and pleasure. I knew that mark will most likely leave a scar. As he looked down at me he said "sorry I didn't mean to bite so hard heheh." I yawn and smile at him tired but pleased that I had got to have sex with my CRUSH and HEAD JOCK OF THE SCHOOL! He laid down next to me and pulled me close to his chest. He then gave me a kiss on the forehead and said "I love you baby." I smiled and said "I love you toooo....." falling asleep in each other's arms.

Ok ok I'm a little out of practice BUT I want to write more so give me some suggestions and I'll try and write more of them oki? Cool have a good day my Lemmon cardboard peeps!

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