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Ever since I became independent and stayed at some cozy apartment in the city near my school, I have always been taken care of by Helen, like her own son. Helen is a good neighbor, one of the four other tenants in the same apartment where I'm at. I used to live in a big mansion with my mother and my father. They both died one day while they're on their way home for my 15th birthday. I cried all my heart out but I realized that they will never come back even if I get myself killed by crying all the liquids out of my body. So, I gave up. I have so many riches to inherit but I have to wait until I turn 18, and so I stayed at my aunt's for some years before I can finally live my own life, alone. But I stayed a year longer after getting my inheritance since aunt Dolly was very nice to me. It was heart-wrecking to leave her alone but I have to move on. I decided to live alone in the city, go for an apartment near school, keep a low profile, sold my inherited businesses and kept all my resources in the bank. In other words, I became simpler than simple. I've changed a lot since my parents died. I became boring, I hardly even speak. I didn't care much about the world around me, just myself. And then I met Helen and her daughter. She came to welcome me the first day I moved in to the apartment.

I was getting my stuffs out from the box and I didn't realized that I left the door open since I was facing against it.

"Hi there new neighbor, good evening to you! I'm Helen, Helen Thomas, and what is your name son?"

I was a bit jumpy and so I was slightly startled when I turned to see a woman standing at my doorstep. Her face is filled with so much life and kept giving me a warm smile across the room.

"Oh. I didn't see you there, I'm sorry. Hi I'm Chad and thank you I appreciate your warm welcome Ms. Thomas."

"Uh, just call me Helen son. I will be just right next to your room and so if you need anything just let me know alright?" she replied enthusiastically. Just as I replied "Thank you so much, you have a good night Helen" she smiled widely and left.

From then on, Helen would come by to give me food and would sneak in to check if I've already washed my clothes.

Four days after my first short encounter with Helen, I came to visit her next door. I still have my backpack on my shoulder and a book swinging on my right hand. I heard footsteps drawing closely as I wait in front of her door fresh from school.

"Oh hi Chad! It's so nice of you to drop by. Come in have a seat, and also I'd like you to meet my daughter Luna." Helen cheerfully said as she slowly dragged me to their sofa.

Not another one. I've had enough of girls today. Girls would always want to introduce themselves to me first. I find it uncool. I only stick to one girl at school, Candice. Candice Levi. She's my best friend and we've known each other since we're kids. She's the only person I can stand to be with every single day. I pretty much hate the people in our school, they're always having parties and keep tagging me along and it's really getting in to my nerves.

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