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I placed Luna's hands on my shoulders and wrapped them around my neck. I gently put my hands on her waist and our eyes gazed at each other. I breathed some air in, started gliding our feet and we began dancing. It seemed like a fairytale was brought to life. The full moon continued shining its light through the window and we danced to the music gracefully. I didn't expect that I'll be this serious in dancing, I felt like I was a fool. But I didn't mind. I just want to savor every second I'm guiding Luna in every move we do. I want to enjoy every moment that I'm holding her and exchange smiles with her. It was addicting, her smile. I can't take my eyes off of her. I know Candice and Kevin are already darting me with their cold stares but I just want to ignore it even for just a minute. I want to be with Luna more and I was hoping the music would never end.

"Are you having... fun?" I asked like a soft-spoken guy.

"With the party? Yes, definitely..."

"No, we... dancing..."

"Yes... yes, this is fun. I like this..."

I missed her badly. Just as the music faded, Candice dragged me to the table to have our dinner. She said she was waiting forever for the dance to finish. I looked back and saw Kevin talking to her in a corner. I know it was nothing to Luna but for me, it meant so much. It's the most precious moment that I've ever experienced.

I went out to take a break from the crazy crowd and get some nice air. I saw Kevin sitting at the corner of the main door. He stood up, got rid of his cigarette and went to check on his car parked on the other side of the building. For some reason, I followed him.

"Hey Kevin..." I uttered after showing myself out of nowhere.

"Hey there... what are you doing here?" Kevin answered.

"Nothing... I saw awhile back and so, I just followed you. I wanna get out of the craziness inside."

Kevin was silent. He pulled out another stick from his pocket and lit it. He put it in his mouth and then glared at me. He gave me a cold stare and then asked roughly, "What's with the dance earlier?"

I was dumbfounded. I didn't know what to say.

"Why? If it wouldn't be alright, then you shouldn't have let her dance with me..."

"I can feel that there is something going on... Tell me once and for all, do you like Luna?"

My hands were shaking and my heart pounded louder, beating faster and faster by the second. I answered in a jiffy.

"Yes." Well a man should be honest with his feelings, at least if a man asks him seriously. So I told Kevin the truth.

"I loved her ever since I met her. But I don't have any intentions of taking her away from you..." I wasn't finished with my sentence.

His fist flew into my face, giving me hard punch. I started punching back and we kept on throwing punches at one another. He hit my face and I hit his. Kevin was thrown into the ground, but he managed to get up. I started avoiding his punches and asked what was the matter.

"Why didn't you tell me Chad! Are you a scare-dy cat or just a chicken shit?! You punk!" He punched me harder.

I was thrown to the ground this time and I didn't get up.

"What is it to you? Huh? You already have her so why are you acting stupid all of a sudden?!" I was mad and still puzzled.

"If you lay one hand on her! I'll..."

"You'll what Kevin?!" I asked furiously.

"I'll kill you!"

I didn't answer back. I got up and walked away, wiping the blood from the tip of my lips. I was infuriated. What's the matter with that stupid brat? I didn't want a commotion that's why I surrendered, I didn't fight back anymore. I also don't want to hurt Luna's feelings so I just gave up.

The Grad Ball ended and it seemed like all of the girls had fun. The six of us went out of the building together, not a word can be heard between me and Kevin. I didn't want them to notice so I just laughed and joined in on whatever jokes they're pulling up.

I see you, LunaWhere stories live. Discover now