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It really doesn't matter if Helen knocks on my door anytime of the day, except when I'm at school, of course. I know that Helen always bring me a present every night, and that's Luna. Luna and I always go out on weekends, with Candice, and on weekdays, we just hang out in my room, talk and laugh. Weeks passed and my love for Luna grew stronger and we became really attached with each other. Sometimes Candice would tease me and would act like she's jealous because she'd noticed that I have given more time and attention to Luna than her. The boys at school also think that I'm seeing someone since I always leave the class just as when the last bell strikes. They won't catch me anywhere in school after class, I always go home early. I want to be with Luna badly and it kills me not being able to tell her how I feel.

August came in and I was really excited to prepare a party for Luna. I know she can't see all the efforts I'll put into it but I know that she would feel it. Just as her birthday drew nearer, she became more sweet and more caring. She would even ask me to embrace her every time she came in at my place. I found it weird though but I felt that maybe she already felt something for me. Something more than friendship, she might have thought that we can be more than friends, we can be lovers.

Three nights before her birthday she asked something that shocked the hell out of me. She wanted me to sleep beside her. It's not that I'm thinking too much about what could possibly happen when we sleep together in bed, it's just that I might not control myself- to hug her and even kiss her.

"Chad, are you alright? Why are you not... responding? Is there something wrong? Do you find it awkward to sleep beside me?" she asked with all the confusions written in her every questions.

"Oh! I'm so sorry Luna, it's just that I was thinking about my homework. I might have answered it wrong."

I lied. I just didn't want Luna to feel awkward about our current situation. Besides, I've always wanted this. Luna and me, together.

"Don't think too much about it, you're a smart guy and I know you do very well at school..." she replied almost whispering. I was surprised what happened next. She held my hand. It was so perfect. The moment was so perfect that I wasn't able to say anything. Her soft hand fits mine perfectly. But her next words pounded my ear and crushed my heart.

"I'm loving this. I hope we'll be friends, forever."

I didn't react. I didn't know what to say. Will I lie and tell her that I don't want us to be just friends forever and that I want us to be more than that? Or just breathe deeply and utter, "me too...". I'm such a coward. I was silent all the time and the next thing I know, she's already asleep.

August 27, 2010, Luna's birthday. I thought everything will turn out perfectly fine since I had already planned all the things I needed for her surprise party. I even invited Candice along. But my blissful thoughts were replaced when I came home from school and opened the door.

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