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"Are you ready? I mean, Are you REALLY ready?" I shouted with slight sarcasm as I wait for Luna on the staircase of the apartment.

Luna ran inside her room again to get something. With an "almost out of breath" expression, she ran out the door and locked it. She ran to me breathlessly and handed over her fist to me. Well I supposed that there was something in it to begin with.

"First of all... I'm.. I'm out of breath god!" Luna exclaimed as she tried to breathe in some air, with her fist still in front of me.

"Alright, first of all, YES SIR! I am MORE THAN ready to be a first grader today!"

"Oh! Alright... and what is this?" I asked while pinching her fist swinging in front of my face.

"Oh yeah... you dropped your necklace on my doorstep yesterday and I forgot to give it to you right away so..."

"Oh, thank you..." I let out a quick smile upon seeing the necklace on Luna's right palm in front of me. It was supposed to be hers anyway, so it would not really matter if she'd give it back or not.

"How sweet, Candice Levi eh?..."

I didn't know whether I'll answer "Yes, isn't that sweet?" or "No! Of course not. It stands for Chad & Luna". What was I thinking again? I'm suppose to say the right thing.

"Yes, very clever that you figured that out huh."

My body was almost choking and blood won't circulate through my veins anymore as Luna placed her head at the back of my shoulders and tortured me with her arms wrapped around my stomach. She would scream all the time even if I was not doing anything with the motorcycle.

"I just can't stand it! Do you always go to school with this?.. woooow!" Luna screamed again uncontrollably.

"Can you try to control yourself Luna? People are looking at us now? You're getting too much attention from..."

"But I'm so scared Chad..."

I kept quiet. I did not react. I just slowed down to make feel Luna a little comfortable and it worked, she stopped screaming. Some minutes later, we're already in front of the school gates. I held her right wrist and we went in together. It's not actually the exact same school I'm at since I was already a high school student, it was more of like an elementary department that we are going to visit. Heatherfield Institute's elementary department.

Children were running around the school grounds- chatting and playing. I tried to take a glimpse of Luna's facial reaction while I was trying to keep myself from laughing.

"What?" She looked at me a bit pissed off.

"Nooothing! Well, I didn't say anything, did I?" I replied still holding my breath to keep me from bursting out with laugh.

I couldn't control it anymore. I laughed so much that Luna left me with an angry look on her face. I ran after her and tried to catch her left arm while it's swinging crazily. She avoided my hand and continued to walk. I caught her fingers instead and I closed my hand to hers. She slowed down. We held hands for a couple more seconds and she let go.

"You were laughing at me how dare you?" she said with one of her eyebrows raised.

"I said I was sorry right? Alright I'll say it again, so can we just.. go now?" I answered trying to avoid what happened.

"Right..." Luna replied and then began smiling again.

After taking Luna to the elementary department, I left the building and went to meet Candice at the school gates. She was already there when I arrived. I parked the motorcycle in front of the school and ran towards Candice.

"So, what happened?"she asked sweetly.

"Oh, she'll start tomorrow. And I can actually see on the principal's face that she found it funny also... you know, that Luna,a 20-year old girl, will be starting tomorrow as a first grader.."

Candice laughed and patted me hardly on my shoulders. I laughed also. We found it really hilarious. But I stopped laughing right away. I imagined how angry Luna will be if she was there. Candice and I went inside.

I wasn't the only guy in school who was popular among the girls, there's actually one guy that is more popular than me. His name is Kevin. He's actually the son of the school's owner. Kevin Heatherfield has been one of my good friends when I was still a kid, since our parents had been business partners on some businesses that we have back then. They were actually planning to adopt me when they learned that my parents died, but I refused since I told them that I want to be independent and live a simple life alone. And I think I played my cards right, if not I wouldn't have met Luna.

There are five of us who usually hang out. Candice, Kevin, Trish, and then there's me. I've been hanging out with a few people, especially Kevin, ever since I started going to parties and beginning to go some places and be totally wild and all. Kevin is the type of person who is really good at making girls fall for him. Tall and really good looking, well based from what the girls at school said. He's a party addict but a good person. He had a girlfriend once but he lost her in an accident 2 years ago. They fought over something and the girl took his motorcycle and hit the road like a crazy woman. And so the girl met her doom. Kevin was deeply in love with her. I've known Kevin for so long and I've seen him fall in love. It was crazy. He would do anything for her.

Trish Hoffmeister is just one close friend of Candice, short-haired, thin, arrogant and a party-goer as well. I could say that she has the looks. Ever since Kevin lost her girl, Trish never gave up on him. Trish liked Kevin a lot, more like obsessed with him. I didn't like Trish as much as Candice did. I didn't even imagine that Candice would have a friend like her. Oh I'm so mean.

Nick Thompson, a simple guy with good looks, average height and amazing humor. I like his attitude since he doesn't care much about what people would think about him. He party hard and study hard. We weren't talking to each other before since he had a secret crush on Candice. But then everything went alright between us after going out on parties together. We would even go on bars with just the two of us. Also, we began to enjoy each other's company since we have so much in common- like basketball, favorite music and other interests.

Saved by the bell. I was asked to recite one of Shakespeare's crazy line from his novel out loud, with emotions. Oh, I'd rather eat a rat.

Nick and I went out of the classroom. This is already our last year on Heatherfield and we want to make the most out of it. But I was actually thinking of spending a lot more time with Luna. I missed her so bad that I've been thinking about her all day with. Well, it's a little bit abnormal. Anyway, the school just started a few weeks ago and I still have a lot of time to spend with my friends, at least several months more.

Candice and Trish were waiting outside the classroom since they're seated near the door. The four of us went out the school together.

"Where's Kevin anyway?" I butted in as the three of them talked about the previous lessons that we had.

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