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As I looked around while sitting on the sofa, Helen went out of the room with an arm cuddled around hers. She had a lot of bandage rolled around half of her right leg. The girl pulled up a smile on her face as Helen led her to me. She was staring blankly straight to the walls without blinking and struggled to walk quickly with her other leg to support her.

"Hi there, I'm Luna." she introduced herself looking at the opposite direction where I was. She let out a quick smirk and turned it into a smile, still looking away from me, not a blink made, like a psycho. I thought she was just playing with me but she's not. She is blind and her right leg is crippled.

"Chad meet my precious daughter Luna, and Luna this is Chad. Tall, handsome and very kind. Now, how about that honey?" Helen teased Luna.

"Mom stop it! Oh I'm sorry Chad. It's just that my mom is just so full of energy, everyday. And also, you're the first guy she ever introduced to me. And so, how old are you? Are you really tall and... handsome?" Luna smiled tenderly and brushed her hair away from her shoulders.

Luna is a very pretty girl. She has a long wavy hair and a petite body. Simple and has a very gentle voice. She has a cheerful personality and never failed to paint a smile on her face each time she talks to me.

"I'm 19. Well you can say that I'm tall, but I'm not pretty sure if you'll consider me as handsome." I replied still amazed by how beautiful she really is.

Luna flashed a bigger smile, laughed a bit and her cheeks blushed, "You're funny. I like you." and she held out her hands trying to reach me, seemed like she wanted to touch me.

I caught her hands while they're crazily swinging around and grasping the air, trying to get a hold of me.

"Thanks, I like you too." and I slowly let go of her hands and placed them on her lap.

"Really? We can be friends then! How does that sound? Is it alright?"

As Luna uttered those words,I felt that she needs me to be her friend or else there will never be a chance for her to have one. She needs someone she can turn to if her mother is not around. I felt that I'm her only hope of feeling alive. Wait, why am I even thinking about this? Is it because I pity her that she doesn't get to see the world the way she could have seen it? Well I envy her for not seeing the world the way I see it.

"Yes. If you want I can visit you anytime, well that is if I'm not busy or anything."

Helen smiled at us. I looked at her and she gave me an even bigger smile and it seemed like anytime her teary eyes will give in. She patted my back and went to her room. For the first time I felt that I did something... good. Well the guys in my school may think that I'm doing something a little out of ordinary, or in more understandable term... corny. But I don't care. And I know that Candice will even root for me for doing something good for the first time.

I turned to Luna and we continued talking. She kept asking me about my school, my friends and my family. Well there's no point in hiding the truth so I shared everything I can, except for the fact that I'm from a rich family. I was firm when I said that I'm really a snob and that I don't usually do this to anyone I met some minutes ago. She laughed and would not want to believe. We've talked for almost an hour, I didn't realize the time when I was with her. The only thing I learned from her is that she's a year younger than me and that she's named after the moon. Luna is the latin term for moon. She was born one full moon on August. Never did she share anything else about her, she always ask about me.

"Thank you Chad for giving us a visit. I'm sorry that I have to interrupt your conversation..." Helen went out of the room wearing a uniform from some sort of a 24-hour grocery store near the city mall. She was fully made up and was combing her hair while rushing towards us.

"... I really have to go now and I don't want to be late or else our big boss will not give me the full amount of my salary," she faced Luna kissed her on her forehead and held her face and wavy hair. "I'm sorry honey but I have to get you in your room now, your dinner is already there."

I watched Helen as she helped Luna get to her room. She stopped for a while and waved her hands and bade me goodbye. Although she's not looking at me directly I know that it was for me. I was a bit unsatisified that we only get to talk for an hour, I want to talk to her more.

I waited for Helen. I wanted to tell her something. When she came out of her room we went out of their apartment room together.

"Are you always leaving her alone like this?" I asked.

"I know you would ask that... It really hurts everyday to leave my daughter, alone, but I can't do anything. This is the only job that I can apply to since I did not go to school. I've asked a thousand times to have them change my shift to morning but my manager won't allow it. They're understaff at night so they need someone so desperate for the job like me."

"I understand Helen... and I was actually thinking, if you want... you can entrust your daughter to me, every night before you go to work. She can stay at my place anytime until you get back. Well, I know it sounds stupid but..."

"No. That's fine. That's wonderful son! I think Luna would love that. She won't be alone anymore, every night... thank you for bringing that up."

I see you, LunaWhere stories live. Discover now