chapter 3

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As the month went on jisung continued to try and talk to minho. And Everytime he did minho would act as cold as he could be to him.

Jisung's voice was too pretty. Jisung, himself was too pretty. It was dangerous. So minho decided it would be best to try and ignore him with all his might. But the boy was so persistent. So determined to talk to minho.

So when ignoring him didn't work he decided that being rude might be the best thing. He didn't want to be rude. Really, he didn't. But he couldn't risk getting close to him. Scaring him off seems to be the only way minho can think of to get him to stop talking to him.

All this was stressing him out so the amount of relief minho felt as he approached the dance room was immaculate. Dance had always been an outlet for him when he felt particularly down or stressed out. Oh how he was looking forward to this.

He walked into the room getting ready to let go of all his worries. No more worrying about his mother. No more worrying about school. No more thinking about jisung. He was ready to let all his worries leave with every move he made.

But just as he thought he would be able to escape from reality, a familiar voice pulled him back to it.

"Ahh I can't wait to see you dance." That voice. Minho looked where it was coming from, hoping he was hearing things. But to his dismay he was right. There sat jisung. Right next to him sat his dance partner Felix. The two were engaged in conversation.

'shit I forgot those two were friends' minho groaned internally. Of course he would be here. As if being on minho's mind 24/7 wasn't enough. In a completely straight and admirable way, of course.

"Aye minho!" He heard from across the room. He looked over and saw one of his best friends, hyunjin. "Hey!" Minho shouted back with a wave as he started to walk towards him.

As he was walking towards him he could feel jisung looking at him. He refused to look back at him but he could imagine the smile jisung had on his face right now. He could imagine how big and warm it was and, unbeknownst to him, a small smile tugged onto his face just thinking about jisung's gummy smile.

"What are you so smiley about?" Hyunjin asked with a chuckle. That's when minho realized what exactly he was thinking about. He cleared his throat as he could feel slight heat rise to his cheeks. "Nothing. Besides even if there was something it's none of your business" minho turned his head away from hyunjin only to be met with the laughing face of jisung, and suddenly Minho was stunned again.

Jisung's laughter rang through his ears and the big smile on his face made minho feel warm inside. Minho couldn't help the smile that made its way onto his face. Jisung's eyes lit up and suddenly the room was much brighter than it was before. The colors in the room looking much less dull than they were before. Minho was breathless. Jisung was so pretty. His smile was so pretty. His laugh was so pretty.

"So that's why you were smiling, huh" minho jumped from the shock of hearing hyunjin's voice all of a sudden. "You like him, don't you?"

"What? Of course I don't. You know I'm not gay"

"Well you don't have to be gay to like  guys, you know" he smirked.

Minho let out a sigh. "Look dude, I really don't like him. I just admire him a lot. That's all."

"Right, admire" hyunjin scoffed. Minho was going to say something else but just as he opened his mouth the teacher walked in. "Hello students! It's great to see you on this fine day! Start your stretches then we can practice the choreography we were working on last week."

Minho sighed and began his stretches. 

Or at least tried.

Though he was supposed to be concentrated on stretching his eyes would often travel back over to jisung.

Felix was stretching right next to jisung so they could continue to talk and jisung would continue to smile. He didn't know why, but he loved seeing jisung smile and hearing him laugh.

Probably because he favored it over his own. That's the only reason he liked it so much.

Though with that feeling of admiration came another. While he was happy to see jisung smiling, he had a longing feeling to be the one that jisung was looking at. He wanted to be the reason jisung laughed and smiled. He was confused. Why did he want that? What difference would it make?

It especially didn't help that he didn't know what the feeling was. And he didn't know if that was a good thing or not.

"Alright everyone lets start the dance" his teacher clapped. They all got to their spots as the song started. Minho's body began to move with the beat. The choreography fit him perfectly and the moves came easy. He closed his eyes and lost himself in the music, lost himself in the dance. His worries slid off his body with every move he made. He felt calm. He felt free. No more burdens. No more thoughts.

But then he heard tiny claps and that caused him to open his eyes. He looked over to where it was and saw jisung with a big smile on his face. He was clapping quietly but his eyes were on Felix the whole time. That caused the feeling he had earlier to rise in his chest again.

Taking a deep breath he tried to ignore it but the feeling was becoming more intense. More constant. It was  like a drum. Constantly beating. Getting more intense and more unbearable with every passing second. But he knew he needed to ignore it.

Minho huffed as he began to dance harder. He was trying to block everything out and lose himself again but it was getting harder and harder. Until finally he gave in to the intense feeling. He wanted jisung to look at him. So that's what he was going to do.

Minho started to dance more precisely now. He even added his own twist to it. He slowed parts of the dance down and sped some parts up to match with the beat perfectly. His transitions from slow to fast were flawless.

He really hoped that would be enough to catch Jisung's attention.

He glanced slightly to where jisung was to see that he was staring at him. Jisung had a look of amazement on his face. His eyes were practically shining and his dumbfounded expression turned into a large smile.

Minho smirked and continued to dance like that through the entire class, hoping to keep Jisung's attention.


Minho walked into his fourth period class and sat in his seat like he always does. He had his ear buds in and was listening to some random playlist he made for himself a while ago.

The song that was just playing slowly faded out and that's when minho heard something he didn't want to.

"You know that kid that sits next to minho oppa? He keeps annoying him"

"I know I've seen it. You what I say? I say since he doesn't know how to leave people alone we run him out of the school."

"Ooo yes I like the way you think. Then maybe minho oppa will finally notice us."

"Oh my god do you think? I hope so."

Minho let out a sigh. Now he has another reason to keep away from jisung. He can't have him getting bullied because of him. Perhaps avoiding him really would be the best option.


Oof I wanted to say something cool like 'you didn't forget what day it was right?' but like no one fell for it (╥﹏╥) but that's alright lol

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