chapter 1 pt: 2 [TW]

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[trigger warning: there's mentions of assault, abuse, vivid descriptions of homophobia, attempted suicide, drugs, alcoholism, dating at a young age, etc. If any of these things is too much for you please go read something else. If not then please enjoy]



Minho and his best friend Lucas ran outside to minho's backyard with their superhero action figures. Minho was eleven at the time, Lucas twelve. The two were laughing the whole way. They passed minho's and Lucas's parents in a fit of giggles. "Hey! Watch that you don't trip!" Minho's mom called after them. "We will!" Minho shouted back as they ran into his backyard.

The two plopped down in the middle of the grass. They began to play with the figures. Currently minho's Spiderman and Batman were going against Lucas's wolverine and Thor.

They played like that for a few minutes before minho looked towards where the adults were watching them only to see that they had left the two on their own. Minho let out a gasp. "Lucas hyung they're gone!"

"Really?!" Lucas said enthusiastically. Minho went over to lucas and sat next him. He leaned his head on the boy's shoulder and grabbed his hand. Minho leaned in and kissed Lucas's cheek. "Hey hyung, when we get older can we get married?"

Lucas nodded. "Yep. My mom and dad said that it was okay if I wanted to marry a boy instead of a girl and I wanna marry you" Lucas smiled at minho and kissed his forehead. Minho gave a big toothy smile before tackling Lucas to the ground in a hug.

"Yay!" Minho yelled. He began to shower the older boy's face with kisses as they both laughed. "I love you~" minho sang. "I love you too" lucas leaned up and pecked minho's lips.

Their happy moment though was ruined by a loud scream. Both of their heads shot up immediately upon hearing it. There stood minho's mom with a look of absolute disgust on her face.

"Minho" she said mortified. "What the hell do you think you're doing?!" Minho rolled off Lucas as he looked at her confused. His mother had never looked at him like that. "I-i was just--"

"Know what? Just come here" she cut him off and grabbed him harshly by the wrist. "W-wait mom that hurts! I wanna stay with Lucas hyung!" Minho struggled to get away from his mother. "I think the fuck not!" His mother screamed. Minho froze. His mom never cursed at him or in front of him for that matter. "I knew letting you hang out with faggot lovers was a bad idea! And now look at you! Thinking it's okay to kiss a boy!" Minho's mother ranted as she dragged him into the house.

He was thrown onto the steps leading upstairs. "Go to your room and don't you dare come out until your called!" His mother yelled. Minho ran upstairs to his room and locked his door.

Minho slid down his wall, holding his head in his hands as he cried. Not many things can make minho cry except for getting yelled at or something happening to his mom, dad or Lucas.

Downstairs he could hear loud yelling from his parents at who he could only assume they were yelling at Lucas's parents. He could hear all the loud shouts.

'your fault'

'because of your faggot son'

𝘿𝙀𝘼𝙍 𝘿𝙄𝘼𝙍𝙔 | 𝙈𝙄𝙉𝙎𝙐𝙉𝙂 {𝑫𝑰𝑺𝑪𝑶𝑵𝑻𝑰𝑵𝑼𝑬𝑫}Where stories live. Discover now