6: Gun

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A young girl's screams were heard throughout the house as her mother chased her. She had a huge smile on her face as she ran through the kitchen with a teddy bear bobbing up and down in one hand. She yelled again as she felt two arms scoop her up and spin her around. "It's bed time, little one" Her mother cooed. She frowned as her beloved mother carried her up to her room. Her mum was everything to her. She was everything a 6 year old child needed. Once tucked in bed and kissed goodnight, she closed her eyes as her mum walked out of the room. She cuddled her teddy bear and closed her eyes, attempting to sleep. But soon she heard noises. The same noises she heard very often. Feeling nervous and slightly frightened she got out of bed and walked towards her parents room where the noises were coming from. The door was slightly ajar and she peeked in. As soon as she did, she gasped but covered her mouth hoping she wasn't heard. Before she could get spotted by her parents she ran to her room. She rushed back in bed and hugged her teddy bear tighter, wishing she never got out in the first place. She closed her eyes once again to tried and sleep as a tear escaped her eye. She was forbidden to speak was what happens. She was not allowed to interfere. She was told to never speak to anyone about it.

And she was a good girl so she did as she was told.


Jungkook POV

Finally Thursday arrived. And you know what that means. We get back our payment today. I stare at the ceiling as I lay on my bed thinking about school today. That new girl. Kim Minhee. She's so...interesting. I don't exactly know how to explain it but she just...caught my attention the first day she came. She's really...Ugh...different. I don't know how but the atmosphere around her is different to other girls. All the other girls go crazy if I stand near them but Minhee, it's like she's trying to brush me away. She intrigues me. Especially since she acts really cold to others. She's kinda got that bad girl reputation already in just a week at school. But she seems ok with me. Maybe it's because I'm her first friend? I don't even know what she sees me as. A friend or classmate? Lately she's been hanging with Yoongi hyung a lot. Maybe she doesn't like me. Maybe because Yoongi hyung can be cold and she is too a lot?

I turn my head to see my clock on the bedside table. The clock read 5:30pm. I should get ready for our mission.

I get out of my bed and drag my feet across my huge room to the walk-in wardrobe. My room was one of the 4 upstairs. Downstairs in our basement is our secret training, lab and weapons area. Basically where all our mafia equipment is, otherwise the rest of the house just looks like a big mansion that 7 extremely rich people live. There's 3 rooms downstairs and since Hoseok, Jin and Taehyung are down there most of the time, their rooms are there too. The rest of us use the rooms upstairs.

I change into a black skivvy and black jeans. I grab a black leather jacket and put that on too. Lastly I wear my black mask and make sure my bangs are hiding my face as much as possible. We always dress as if we part of our men during our missions because no one knows who we are. Namjoon hyung simple sends our men intrusions and they complete it so we pretend we are one of them too.

I check myself in the mirror once more. I'm ready.


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We arrived at the casino that guy Hakkun is at tonight. Tonight's his last night in the country because he's fleeing in fear we will catch him because he cheated in our deal. But he doesn't know that we are already onto him. We park our 8 seater car further away from casino as to not get caught but close enough so it's still in view. Namjoon was in the driver seat, Hoseok was in the passenger seat with his laptop up in front of him. "Accessed the security cameras" He calls. Namjoon nods then speaks into his earpiece. "Jimin, you and others arrived and in position?" Jimin and Yoongi were the only ones not in the car. They were with 20 other men surrounding Hakkun's cars which I found for them. "Yes, arrived" I hear Jimin's voice through my own earpiece and so do the others. Namjoon nods to us and Jin, Taehyung and I get out of the car and start our part of the mission. Keep Hakkun and his men distracted.


Minhee POV
I follow my men who are working inside of Bangtan to the casino their going to. Seoho is beside me in the drivers seat. "462?" A males voice come through my earpiece.

"Yes 28?" I reply as I lean back on my seat. "We are currently attempting to break into Hakkun's van, and cars which I'm sure holds everything Bangtan is after." I nod and keep silent for him to continue. "There seems to be one guy who's in charge of us here or at least seems the best out of us."

"It's probably one of them" I mumble. "How do you know it's a Bangtan leader?" Seoho asks. I turn my head and glare at him. "Because I know they are all here and why wouldn't the most skilled person stealing all those items be one of them?" Seoho simply looks away from me and sighs. "Can you see anyone with mint green hair?" I ask 28. "No, I don't think so."

Now I sigh. I open the door and get out of it the car. I can hear Seoho behind me telling to get back but am I a 6 year old good girl who does as they are told? No. I make sure my gun is loaded and safely on my waist belt as I walk towards the direction of Hakkun's car with the directions of 28.

Once I arrive at the very back of the casino, a very dark area nearly hidden from the rest of the parking lot, I spot many, many men dressed in black surrounding lots of vehicles. I see them quickly and strategically unload the cars and carry bags of cash and what looks like weapons out of it. I watch as they transfer the items into another set of vehicles which I assume is theirs.

I put on my black mask and walk closer. Luckily I'm wearing all black too and my hair is in a bun under a black cap so a fit right in. I slip into the crowd and thankfully no one notices me and thinks I'm one of them. I start following some people towards a car and find it full of weapons. I grab one out of the boot and so do some others. Woah. I inspect a neat looking gun. It's slightly larger than mine but I can see this much better quality. I slip it into my waist belt and replace it with mine. Why not steal if I have the chance to? I grab another weapon from the car and walk over to a van where others are stacking the items. "462" I hear a whisper in my earpiece. "Behind you." I spin around and see a guy in a plain black shirt and black jeans with a cap. I smile as I know it's 28. "Where is the one that seems in charge?" I ask quietly in my earpiece. He cocks his head to one side. "That one."

I look over and see another man dressed like all the others. "Quickly lets out of here" He calls. "We don't know how long until Hakkun returns and how long the others can keep him distracted." Of course. There are more here on this mission.

Once the vans are full, some people climb into them and drive off while others get into their own vehicles as their mission is complete. But I follow that guy who seems to be giving instructions. I follow behind him as he walks in another direction to where I think is his own vehicle.

To my surprise I spot someone else appear and walk beside him. A smirk comes on my face. Min Yoongi. I can see his mint green hair under his cap. That means this other guy must be another Bangtan leader. Well disguised. But not too well because I still found you.

They walk towards a huge 8 seater car. Before they are there I see 4 other men rushing towards them too. And I see someone step out of the van and head towards Yoongi and the other guy.

I watch from behind and my hand makes it's way to my new gun. I take hold of it with both hands and aim directly in front of me. For a moment I'm not sure why I'm doing this but still I aim my gun at the man beside Yoongi as they all start coming together and discussing how the mission went. I put my index finger on the trigger as I watch that guy speak with another man who I'm not sure of but I suspect is also Bangtan's leader.

I shoot.

The gunshot was louder than I anticipated. And I missed too!! I shot the other man that guy was speaking to rather than the one who was stealing those items with Yoongi. Automatically theirs heads turn towards me from the sound of the shot.

Escape time.

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