21: Past Betrayal

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"Dad what's going on?!" The 16 year old girl called out while running towards her dad's room. She ran in the room without knocking with shock and panic on her face. "Why are there so many men in black standing outside our house!" She said slightly scared and confused. "Did you organise a meeting or something? But you never hold them at the house, always some other building." The girl's father looked at his daughter with a confused expression. "I didn't organise a meeting...No one knows where we live." He furrowed his eyebrows. "Then...Then why are so many mafia's outside our house..." The girl said slowly, her panic increasing with every second.
Suddenly gunshots started firing.
The girl screamed not knowing what's happening while her dad ran to window confused. "What's going on?" She asked. "They're firing at the house. And they aren't our mafia!" Her dad yelled as the gunshots kept penetrating the house walls. Her dad spun around and put a hand on the girl's shoulder leading her out of the room. "We have to get out of here" He said quietly as they both rushed downstairs. "Get some of your things and some weapons to carry with us and LEAVE" Her dad called out and opened his laptop on the dining table with all their mafia's data on it, to check if something had happened. Without question the girl ran into the training room her panic only increasing with every echoing gunshot heard. She hastily grabbed a large backpack and threw in some guns, pocket knives, gas bombs and a couple other important weapons. As soon as she zipped up the bag she ran up to her dad who was urgently scrolling through his laptop. "What's wrong?" She yelled through the ever increasing noise. She could hear police sirens not far away. She watched her dad's eyes frantically move across the screen. "It seems like..."
A window broke.
The girl spun around to see crashed glass on the lounge room floor. "Get out!" Her dad yelled shutting his laptop as they heard mens voices approaching. The two of them ran into the basement and to the other side where there was a hidden escape door. The girl flung it open they both ran down the dark tunnel making sure to close the door behind.....
A couple hours later the father and daughter were sitting gingerly in the top hotel room far in another city to their now destroyed home. The girl's cousin was in the room next to them as a couple men in black were also spotted lurking near his house. Her dad was speaking quickly and urgently on the phone while the girl was fiddling with her fingers at the dining table. After an hour her dad stopped calling numerous people. He sat down on across the girl looking upset, confused but also angry. "W-What happened?" The teenager asked afraid of the answer. Who was that shooting at their house? How did it happen?? No one knows a mafia leader and heir live in that house!
Her dad took a long breath. "Someone...has leaked out our private information." The girl gaped her mouth open. "Our whereabouts, our location, our servers, our weapons, even some of our closest men's real and code names has been revealed to the open" Her dad continued. The girl was in horror at her dad's words. "You mean...other mafias...now know all our private information?!" She asked hoping this wasn't real. Her dad looked at her sternly in the eyes. "Not exactly. Our mens information and lot of our things are safe but... everything about us is revealed. Our location. Our privacy. Our closest men. Our tactics....which if you think about is weird...." The 16 year old was shocked hearing everything her father was saying. How could this happen? "What?" She asked waiting for her dad to continue. "Usually you would expect some other random members information to have been found. Because if someone was going to try find out information about us it would be hard to get inside the mafia where all the privacy is kept. So there a few options about who could have done this. First, if some mafia spy was behind this, the only things revealed would be non major things we could quickly recover so that's not likely. Second, someone could have betrayed us.....but....no one, no one knows where our house is located apart from Seoho and we know it can never be him...So who the fuck is behind this?!" Her dad got angrier as he spoke. What he was saying made sense. No one from another mafia could have spied on them an gain access that way because they were very clever in giving out information to only those part of their mafia. Someone had to betray them...But who?? Nobody knows where we live!! Nobody knows where Seoho lives! Nobody knows our personal tactics!! Apart from.........
Suddenly the girl's phone vibrated disrupting her thoughts. The message read:
'Sorry baby'
The girl's mouth fell open once again. No, it can't be...He wouldn't...
"Minjun....." She mumbled. "What?" Her dad said looking at her with frustrated eyes. The girl put her hand over her mouth and felt tears well in her eyes. "It was Minjun" She said louder in utter shock. "What!!!!" Her dad yelled , slamming his hands on the table and standing up. A tear rolled down her cheek. The only person she ever trusted betrayed her...She thought that for the first time in her life she was happy around him....but he obviously didn't think the same...She gave love a shot......and it broke her, just like it broke her mother.
The next thing the girl knew was her father was raging like a bull. Her father's shouts were going deaf to her as she was lost in her own sense of pain. She just couldn't believe Minjun could betray her like that. He knows everything about her and enough about her dad to be behind this.
After a bit the girl suddenly felt two hands grab her shoulder and violently force to her stand. "This is all your fault! You were the one who wanted him to join us! You were the one who made Seoho let me allow you two to meet! You were the one who blindly fell for him!!!" He shook her shoulders harshly yelling in his daughter's face.
"Like how mum blindly fell for you?" She spoke back with a small voice. Her senses stopped and next thing she knew a slap landed hardly on her face. Her head was snapped to the side as the burning sensation her mum felt so often stung on her cheek. She didn't hold her cheek but looked down in pure disbelief. Her dad would never hit her. Her never did.
That was the only sane, human part left on him, he never hit his child.
But now...because of what Minjun had done...it was gone. "By the end of tonight one of our men would have bought a house for us in Seoul and we are moving there tonight. You will go straight downstairs to the new training room and set everything up in their and I want to see you over every single skill and tactic I've taught you in the last 9 years. Or have you forgotten that because of your lover boy?" The teenaged girl's eyes shot up at her dad's words. "What?" She said not believing anything happening. "You want me to set up everything and then shoot bow and arrows at every moving target, dodge them, attack ones coming towards me, make them, destroy them, and do the same with guns, bombs, knives and every other weapon in one go?!" This was the furthest bit of monstrosity her dad had ever done. "And do not think about leaving the room until I have approved it." That made it worst. Her father never approved anything she did in the first go even if it was perfect. She knew this was a punishment and a way to make sure she hadn't lost everything from a 'love' that ruined her. Did he even know she still has the body of a teenage girl not a male adult wrestler?! Even a male adult wrestler couldn't handle what she's been through.
But she did it. She did everything her dad asked. Their new house in Seoul was huge and by the time it was nearly sunrise all their weapons were finished loading into the house. The rest of the furniture would come later. And girl spent the next 13 hours in it doing everything.
Once her dad approved of the last knife she throw and left, the girl's poor body collapsed. She lay there on the hard floor with weapons everywhere and blood and bruises all over her face. Rather than crying she felt angry. She clenched her fists. I let him in and he betrayed me. Now look what he's done to us. The girl suddenly stood up and grabbed a heavy 6 kg metal ball and pelted it as far as she could to the other side of the room, screaming in anger. I knew it. Love makes you weak and vulnerable. If you be nice and trust others they stab you in the back. I've been nice for too long. I've been pushed around for too long. But never again.

A Mafia's Love| J.JK✔️Where stories live. Discover now