22: Hospital

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Jungkook POV

I don't know why but after school I followed Minhee. She usually rides her motorbike or a posh elegant car picks her up. But this time she was walking. After watching Minhee shout at Minjun today it made me a whole lot more curious about her.

I don't why I'm following her or what I will get out of this but I kept walking behind her for a while.

Until she crossed the road without looking left and right. Out of the corner of my eye I spot a vehicle speeding closer to her. Suddenly I panic.

"KIM MINHEE!!!" I yell at the top of my lungs. I see her turn her head but...

The car hit her.

"NO, MINHEE!" I shout loudly and run forward. The car abruptly stops and before I reach it, the male driver gets out with a panic struck expression. I ran as fast as I can to her and stop as soon as I'm next to the car.

And there's Minhee...lying on the concrete, blood gushing out of her entire body. I throw myself down towards her and panic seeing blood soaking her completely. "Minhee!!!!"

No response.

I place my hands on her face, kneeling next to her and shake her head slightly. "Minhee can you hear me?!" No. She's unconscious. I look behind me to see the male driver calling the ambulance with a shaken face. Other people are looking in shock and coming around.

I grab Minhee's body and lay her head on my knees. "Minhee, Minhee hang on. The ambulance is coming" I say even though she can't hear me. She's loosing blood. And fast. Especially her head. I can't stop panicking and my breathing turns heavy. Tears start running down my cheeks and I pull Minhee's fragile body to my chest hugging her as tightly as I can, not caring about the blood coming on me too. I put my ear to her chest trying to hear a heartbeat.

But I didn't find any. "MINHEE!!" I yell looking down at her frozen face. No. She can't just...She won't. She can't be...

I feel a hand on my shoulder and I look to the see driver that hit Minhee say "The ambulance is coming." I nod hastily still so shaken at the sight of Minhee's bleeding body. Some random people who are kneeling down next to us, that were passing by, start to wrap things like a jacket and cloth around her legs and some other parts of her body like a tourniquet. I know it's not enough but it's something. With my arms around Minhee's torso that is laying on my legs, I hug her tighter. I hear sirens not far away but my panic isn't decreasing. "Minhee, hang on. Please. Help is nearly here" I whisper realising I'm crying as I hold her dying body in mine.



I fling the ward door open, my eyes teary and still in disbelief. I stand there at the door for a moment and take in the sight of Minhee lying in a hospital bed with a breathing mask on and many bandages around her, including a blood soaked one around her head. I rush up to her side. "Minhee. Minhee can you hear me?" I say desperately as the machine next to me keeps beeping telling me she's not dead yet.

It's been an hour since we got here. The nurses said they've cleaned Minhee up as much as they could and bandaged her wounds. She got hit pretty badly but luckily the ambulance got to her quickly. I felt relief hearing she was alive but that didn't stop my heart from beating so fast out of fear if that didn't last...
A nurse also gave me a spare shirt to put on since mine had blood all over it.

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