43: I Love You

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I hate his care for me. I hate it!! Why does he care?!! "Why are you always so nice to me?! What have I done to you for you to save my life?" I shout feeling frustrated at everything Jungkook's done to help me. It just doesn't make sense for someone to help another so much when you barely know them.

Jungkook's eyes closes for a moment as he takes a deep inhale knowing how hard it is to make me understand his raw feelings and emotion. "Why? Because I saw myself in you" he answers calmly. But his answer surprises me...
"It started on the day you cried and told me about your mother. That was the day I understood you. You were broken down by your childhood. And forced yourself to be the fierce person you are. I saw the real Choi Minhee for the first time that day" Jungkook continues to explain on a whole personal level that making me feel that vulnerable shake when your about to break down which I absolutely hate. "That's what initially drew me more closer to you. Then...when I found out your family background, I realised...that you're forced to be the way you are. To the point that you've forgotten who you really are."

"You don't know what your saying! This is who I am!" I yell instantly raising my gun back up at his chest. I've had enough. "I am no longer a weak little good girl. This is the real Choi Minhee!" I argue back with Jungkook's words almost trying to convince myself more than him.

"No it's not!" Jungkook raises his voice back. "I've seen glimpses of the real you. The real you who saved me from a bunch of bullies. The real you who danced with me at the spring formal. The real you who just wants to be a normal teenager. Like me" Jungkook says feeling emotional as our sensitive past intrudes. I don't know what to say. Why do his words always find a way to silence me?

"Minhee, I know your now the boss of the Choi mafia" Jungkook continues to say in his calm soothing voice as he stars gently in my eyes. I sigh, disappointed yet not surprised anymore. I keep my gun firmly at him with my finger over the trigger. "But your not a true mafia...I know you aren't. Your forced to be one. But you never will be satisfied with this" he says. I furrow my brows getting annoyed at him. I open my mouth to speak but he continues. "Which is exactly like me. That's what attracted me to you even more. Being a mafia is now who I am. But my heart doesn't want to be here. This is what intrigued me more to you. This is what made me save your life over and over again...Our personalities are so different yet our pasts are so similar"

"Enough!" I shout through his voice, grabbing the gun with my other hand too to make my stance more fierce. I'm sick of the emotional talk. He's too good with his words and longer I let him speak, I'll be falling for all of it. "Enough of your talk. You've fooled me enough" I say trying not to get caught in his talk. "To the point that for the first time in years I hesitated to kill someone. I cried at the thought of killing you because I thought you were innocent. But now....you truly aren't" I say swallowing down the last bit of sadness for him. Before I can continue, Jungkook raises a hand up silencing me. Taken aback by his action, I open my mouth to yell but Jungkook speaks first. "There's something happening around the gates....I can hear it" He mumbles looking around the walls of the room in seriousness. "Oh no....I think my hyung's are back..."

My body freezes in fear. I'm not ready yet. Jungkook and I both stand in dead silence for a panicked moment. Then Jungkook turns his head to the right and runs. For a frightful second I thought he just ran away from me but thankfully he stopped at the window. "Oh god. I think their fighting your men outside the gates" Jungkook tells me quietly as I start walking towards him staring fearfully out the window. I have no idea what he can see out it but obviously he knows something's wrong. "Crap. I didn't think they'd be back already." Jungkook sighs in frustration then turns back to me.

"Follow me" he says and without letting me reply Jungkook runs towards the stairs. "Hey, get back here!" I yell running after him who is already getting up the stairs. I've wasted so much time already! What's taking so long to kill him?!

Jungkook speeds up the stairs and smoothly runs to the right and past several halls knowing his way around of course. I chase after him having no idea where we're going or why.
Probably incase his hyung's make it inside they won't find us quickly. Jungkook opens a room door and disappears inside. Getting irritated now, I bolt after him entering straight into the room. Halting in my steps, I take a brief glance at my surroundings. It's a bedroom. I instantly know it's Jungkook's.

The door slams close making me spin around harshly pointing my gun at him again. "Enough of your games!" I grit my teeth. "Your wasting time but in the end I still have to kill you. Your not going to make it out of this Jungkook" I harshly spit.

"Minhee...." Jungkook starts as he stands in front of the closed door but this time his expression is much more solemn. "Don't. Please" he begs sounding a lot more weaker compared to how he was before. Without even realising my hand starts to shake slightly as I anxiously look at his sweet face one last time. "No" I simply reply back shaking my head.

"Minhee...please don't just end me like this" Jungkook says defencelessly as his eyes start to glisten. "If someone else did this to me months ago the way you are, I could have calmly accepted death. But...after meeting you...I-I don't want to leave" he says looking deeply into my eyes which show all the care in the world I could see. Right there. All the worlds care for me was right in his eyes. Only he could care for me...in ways no one else could ever.

"Meeting you was most eventful thing in my life" he continues. "And I loved every moment of it. Even when you got irritated at me, I don't know why but it never bothered me. It just made me want to be around you more...I've really felt happy these past few months being with you. I have no idea why my heart lights up at your name and why I can't wait to see you at school...Before I used to simply do whatever my hyung's told me. But now...after meeting you. I feel like I have a purpose" Jungkook says holding back his tears as he pours out his feelings towards me. I hate how it touches my heart...I hate how I feel so weak knowing I've never had an impact on someone like this before. I hate the fact my heart wants to hear more. But my brain continues to fight it off.

"Stop! That's what they all say" I roll my eyes trying to stop myself from falling for him. Now is not the time. I've been betrayed already. It's not happening again.

"You think I'm lying?!" Jungkook raises his voice unhappy with my statement. "You think I'm lying then I say that you've made a difference in my life? You've impacted my life so much that I can't stop thinking you! Your special to me, Minhee" Jungkook tells me with so much emotion in his voice that I can feel the authenticity and genuineness radiating off him. Without knowing, tears well up in my own eyes weakening me down. I know how much Jungkook has effected my life. And I hate to admit it. I didn't think I had made an permanent imprint on his life too. Yet I have a task. And I must complete it.

"I-I don't have a choice Jungkook...I have to kill you" I gulp back my own tears trying to stay strong as I bring my second hand up to the gun to stop myself from shaking. Jungkook sighs, closing his eyes for a second. He dreads this, wishes he could stop me. Not only for his life but because he knows I need his help. But Jungkook doesn't fight as I keep my gun aimed right at head. "If you must do this then I have one last thing to say.

I love you Minhee"












I pull the trigger

A Mafia's Love| J.JK✔️Where stories live. Discover now