Trio Hero

445 21 6

Jinyoung was resigned, when his stomach and face became the target of the persecution of the five children in his class. Jinyoung doesn't know what's wrong with them. Blood flowed from the edge of his lips, and Jinyoung was eager to vomit. How many times has he bothered him for the treatment of any injuries that were not his fault? Jinyoung frowns in pain.

Why should be me? Why am I still unable to fight them? When can I change? Jinyoung felt his chest hurt. If I keep doing this, I have to bother Jaebum-hyung and his father ... Jinyoung sighed softly. I just tried to keep Jaebum-hyung from seeing my situation like this...

Tears fell, when his stomach was punched again with hard and painful elbows. Jinyoung finally vomited blood.

I better be...

"What are you doing to Jinyoungie?!" Jaebum's voice blared, shocking the five people who persecuted Jinyoung who sat down, his condition was limp with his head bowed.

Jinyoung didn't know how long he would have to endure each time he got this treatment.

Jaebum widened his eyes wide, throwing a fist that had turned red but was stopped by the strength of the other hand.

"Wait, Jaebum!" Mark shouted. "Calm down! Do you know him? " Jaebum turned his head without changing his expression.

"He's my brother and quickly let go of your hand!"

Mark and Jackson were surprised. Nobody knows that Jaebum has a younger sibling. The two nodded at each other before Mark finally let go of Jaebum's hand. The fist was aimed at the one holding Jinyoung and the three of them defeated them once.

"Awesome ..." some students began to mumble in admiration.

"As usual, Jaebum group are the defenders of the truth."

"Jaebum-oppa is really cool."

Jackson immediately knelt down, touched Jinyoung's small shoulder. Jinyoung saw that the man was so thin and as if he was not taken care of at all. "Jinyoung-ah! You okay?"

Before he could answer, his small body moved weakly towards Jaebum, making Jackson immediately spontaneously caught him and now Jinyoung's head was really limp. Jackson saw blood flowing from the arm that held Jinyoung's body.


"You better hurry and bring him to the infirmary. I'll take care of this. " Mark said it while patting Jaebum's shoulder. He saw Jaebum widen his eyes in shock seeing his brother like that right in front of him. Everyone must feel the same.

"Thanks Mark." Jaebum said without looking at him.

Jaebum carried his younger brother when Jackson tried to wipe the blood that came out of his mouth and saw several bruises on his face. Jaebum frowned, his white and handsome face, now battered and unattractive.

Sorry, Jinyoung. Forgive me.

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