Time Does Fly

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Observation by Jackson and Mark continues with Jinyoung who naturally enters between Jaebum and Youngjae. Both of them blinked to notice how Jinyoung seemed to be able to read Jaebum's movements and words before the man said it. "You feel it?" Mark asked in the end when he saw Jinyoung hand over something to Jaebum that Jaebum had been looking for. Somehow Jinyoung can know and understand what Jaebum needs. Jackson nodded.

"Jinyoung entered our circle of friends not too long ago." Mark nodded in agreement. "But somehow he is very compatible with Jaebum, surpassing Youngjae." Mark nodded once more. "We don't even seldom, do we with Jaebum or Youngjae?" Mark nodded again when Jackson said with both hands raised and as if exasperated by something.

"There is a strange match between Jinyoung and Jaebum." Now Jackson is nodding. Jackson turned to Mark.

"At this rate, we should pay more attention to the two." Mark nodded in agreement.

"Before it's time Jinyoung left." Jackson looked at Mark who was staring at Jinyoung with a gentle look, before finally sighing softly.

"You're right."

There is time when Jinyoung has to leave Jaebum's side.

The observation ended with Jinyoung who bought several CDs recommended by Jaebum and Youngjae, both of whom were very enthusiastic about introducing them to Jinyoung. Even though in Mark's eyes maybe Jinyoung was forced to buy it, there was a little feeling that Jinyoung was happy the two of them introduced what they liked together. Behind Jinyoung's jealous expression towards Jaebum and Youngjae's close relationship, the man was quite happy when both of them seemed to invite Jinyoung to enter their world.

"Jaebum-hyung, didn't you force Jinyoung-hyung to buy it?"

"Eh? Weren't you the one who recommended it?"

"You're right ..."

"Hahaha, it is okay." Jinyoung said when he saw Jaebum and Youngjae talking about it right in front of him.

"But..." Jinyoung stroked Youngjae's head.

"I don't really understand music, but if the songs you recommend are good and interesting, I will be happy to hear them." Hearing Jinyoung's words, Youngjae's face immediately cheerful.

"Jinyoung-hyung! You're really kind!" He added while hugging the hyung tightly. Jinyoung chuckled.

"Though we are the same age you know ..."

Even so, Jinyoung's murmurs were ignored by Youngjae who still felt happy when Jinyoung wanted to try to enter the music world. Jaebum who looked at the two could only sigh softly and smiled a little.

"By the way, why are you two so far away?" Jaebum turned to Mark and Jackson who walked side by side with their eyes to observe the three. "Are you mad or what?"

"Nothing." Mark said firmly.

"Go ahead. This is only our business. " Mark nodded at Jackson's words.

Jaebum raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"Sorry, Mark-hyung, Jackson, if I had made you both worry earlier."

"Really Jinyoung-ah! I think I will be trapped by Mark if anything happens to you!"

"Of course! Who started and invited Jinyoung into your plan? " Mark said as he lightly hit Jackson's shoulder.

"Ouch! Sorry, Mark. " Jackson rubbed his painful hand from Mark's attack.

Jaebum blinked. "Plan?"

"The plan was that I wanted to go with Jaebum-hyung and Youngjae to the music shop. Unfortunately, it was left behind and finally Mark-hyung and Jackson drove me, eh, accidentally saw you guys not far away going to the same music store. " Jaebum looked at Jinyoung who said as if it was the truth. Before finally sighing softly and accepting Jinyoung's reasons.


Jackson gave a grateful and amazed look at Jinyoung who managed to give a reason to Jaebum who looked suspicious.

Jinyoung-ah! You're the best! Jinyoung just smiled at Jackson who was almost crying because he was touched.

As an apology, Jackson gave them recommendations for dinner together at a restaurant before going home. Jinyoung who seemed to be trying for the first-time delicious food other than home-cooked food showed a happy expression and eyes sparkled when tasting food in front of him. Jaebum can only smile seeing how the younger brother's attitude towards something that is actually normal but not normal for him. Youngjae and Jackson are busy fighting over food, where Mark helps Jaebum choose the food that is suitable for him and for Jinyoung. Mark and Jaebum joint venture to pay for his food when Jackson was about to buy Jinyoung dessert as another apology.

"Ah, you spoil me too much." Jinyoung felt uneasy about Jackson's seemingly made-up attitude.

"Shut up! Just eat! " Jackson gives an ice cream to Jinyoung, while Mark gives waffle ice cream to Youngjae. The polo boy happily accepted it and shared it with Jaebum and Mark himself. Jinyoung who saw that turned to Jackson.

"You want one too?"

"Eeehh?? Jinyoung wants to feed me? " Jinyoung frowned at Jackson's tone.

"I just offered. If you don't want it, then okay."


Mark turned to Jinyoung who put on an annoyed expression and Jackson who was crying again. Himself smiled softly looking at both of them. Jaebum who saw that also turned to see what Mark saw, before finally joining in smiling.

I'm glad, it looks like you're happy too, Jinyoungie.


When he returned, Jinyoung entered his room with a happy face. After being given a DVD tuner by his brother, Jinyoung used it to directly listen to the songs he bought at the recommended music store Jaebum and Youngjae. Chanting softly, he was not aware of Jaebum's father's astonishment at the entrance to his room.

"You look very happy, Jinyoung."

"Eh? Ah!" Jinyoung got up after inserting a CD into the music tuner. "Today I went to a music shop with Jaebum-hyung and others."

"Hee, have you been friends with Jaebum's friend?" Jinyoung nodded with a red blush on his cheek. "That's good." Pause makes Jinyoung feel nervous just alone with Jaebum's father. As if he was about to be interrogated. But the sound of music playing slowly makes both look together.

"What song did you buy?"

"Ah, this is Jaebum-hyung and Youngjae's recommendation." Jinyoung reached for the CD. "I don't know whether it's pleasant to hear or not."

The father laughed. "You're right. Who knows your tastes are different. " Jinyoung can only smile in response. "You, yourself have no taste in music?" Jinyoung rubbed the back of his neck.

"As I said, I only hear music when my sister sets it up ... other than that, I have never." The father nodded in agreement when Jinyoung was hesitant to explain it.

"So how is it?" Jinyoung looked up at the question.

"Eh?" Jaebum's father smiled.

"Do you intend to stay with us?"

Jinyoung never thought such words would come out of someone's mouth. Like how Jaebum hoped that Jinyoung would sing with him in a song. Apart from his sister, no one expected him to stay and settle somewhere. The trauma made him lose his home and direction. Jinyoung widened wide when he heard a question that was like hope and warmth.

"... EH?"

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