The You I Don't Recognize

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Half of the songs they sang together were almost done. Jinyoung who often listens to songs from his phone when he is in class and is free to make his friends who now love him approached.

"Jinyoung, what song did you hear?"

The one called up looked up.

"Eh? Ah ... "

Jinyoung doesn't know whether he should tell that the song he heard was made by Jaebum or not. Although Jaebum did not give a reason why he did not send his songs to a song studio or a particular entertainment agency, it does not mean that there are those who forbid others to listen to songs made by Jaebum. Jinyoung himself, who was his adopted brother, had just been allowed to listen to it while singing along with him in a song he had made.

"... A song from my club ..."

"Ah, I heard you joined Jaebum-hyung's club?"

"They are so cool when singing and dancing!" Jinyoung blinked listening.

"...You know?"

"Of course! Their club is very famous and many like it!" Jinyoung blinked before sighing softly. He thought that it might not be a problem if his friends knew the song Jaebum made.

"Are you listening to their songs?"

"Well, I listened to some from Youngjae..."

"Jaebum and Mark hyung don't want to share their songs with anyone." Jinyoung blinked a few times, before looking away.

Mark-hyung easily gave me songs by Jaebum-hyung... Jinyoung murmured in his heart.

"Although they are cool, they are a bit stingy about their work." Jinyoung can see a forced laugh.

Even so, apparently not a few who know the dance club Jaebum and others. Its members also increased by Jinyoung himself.

"What do you usually do there?"

"Eh? Ah... "Jinyoung blinked. "Practicing singing and... dancing?"


"Show me once!" Jinyoung chuckled when he looked enthusiastic in the eyes of his friends.

"Okay... even though I'm not as good as they are."

"At least you are taught by people who are used to singing and dancing!"

Jinyoung didn't know that Jaebum and the other dance clubs were quite well-known and liked. He who had just experienced another trauma, and now his new friends will protect him to the best of their abilities, feeling that he is still an outsider. Although they were kind and determined to protect him, there was something he didn't know when he was there. At Jaebum's school, his adopted brother.

Jinyoung remembered how Jaebum didn't want the song to be known to many people and only a few of his friends knew about it. His father himself did not know why Jaebum seemed to hold back and had other reasons not to or not publish his song to the public. Many already believe that the songs made by the Jaebum dance club are of high quality and are pleasant to hear. Jinyoung also decided that it was okay for him to share Jaebum's songs with his friends to listen to together.


That day Jackson said that Jaebum would take Youngjae to a music shop in the middle of town not far from their school. Although not inviting Jinyoung, Jackson and Mark while mentioning that it was a date by Jackson, Jinyoung was forced to come to spy on the two of them who are now in the world of both of them headed for the music store. Both of them seemed engrossed in talking about their favorite song.

"I heard this artist released a new song!" Youngjae said while showing a teaser glance from the artist in question.

"Wow, I really want to hear then."

"They already have it!" Jaebum smiled teeth.

"That's why I invited you there."


Youngjae Jaebum smiled happily and innocently, as if he was a child who wanted to be spoiled by his brother.

Both are now seen enjoying drinks from a café provided by a truck that is crowded by school children and people after work. Both of their expressions that seemed to forget the world around them slightly made Jinyoung's chest throb. Jackson and friends who were not far from there also enjoyed the drink.

"This is really good!"

"Shhh!!" Jackson said to Jinyoung who accidentally voiced the pleasure of the drink he bought this time. Jinyoung immediately covered his mouth when Jaebum looked around, as if he heard a familiar voice not far from where he and Youngjae were. While hiding his face and pretending to chat, Jaebum was successfully deceived by Jackson and the others.

"Why do we have to follow them like this anyway?" Mark grumbled when Jaebum didn't realize they were being followed. "Can't we go with them to the music shop?"

"I know! But this is more fun!" Jackson turned to both of them, making Jinyoung and Mark follow. "Aren't you curious about the relationship between the two so far?" Mark could only sigh softly.

Although it's a bit uncomfortable to follow Jaebum and Youngjae secretly just to see the closeness of the two, Mark is still curious about how Jaebum's treatment of Youngjae. Jinyoung blinked several times while listening to Mark and Jackson's conversation. They finally see Jaebum and Youngjae get up from their chairs and head back to the music shop. The store is in a large mall right in front of them now.

Before Jinyoung's arrival, Jaebum's eyes only looked at that innocent and full of spirit Youngjae. The child was kind and obedient. Jackson and Mark for the first time saw Jaebum like someone who was struck by romance. The man rarely shows his feelings for someone, whether it's a girl or a man. But when he saw Youngjae, Jaebum seemed to get another passion and made his day more excited. His eyes sparkled as if what he was doing today would go smoothly if Youngjae was by his side. So, he kept asking Mark and Jackson to help Youngjae so that the boy joined the club without coercion and subtle requests. It was learned afterwards, that Youngjae really liked Jaebum's song and finally joined before Jackson and Mark asked him to join.

Jinyoung who followed Jackson and Mark who were busy staring at Jaebum and Youngjae from afar felt something else. He felt alienated. Jaebum, who only has the status of adoptive brother, protects and educates him as an older brother in general, Jackson acts as a peer who is really entertaining and becomes a mood-maker around him, and Mark acts as a kind and considerate brother, as if he is assessing his abilities and Jinyoung's nature. He did not know what it was like to be surrounded by people who had various characteristics as well as the relationships they had. To be sure, Jinyoung knew that Jaebum had certain feelings for Youngjae, and that was what he might have now for his adopted brother.

Jinyoung frowned.

Will I find someone who can make me feel like Jaebum feels when he sees Youngjae? Jinyoung asked in his heart while clutching his chest. Why should I be jealous when I see the closeness of Jaebum-hyung and Youngjae? Jinyoung looked up at the two of them who laughed.

Even though I'm just nobody?

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