My Youth

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The incident that Jinyoung experienced is now traumatizing Bambam and Yugyeom. Jaebum did not allow the two to meet and apologize to Jinyoung who is now given a 2-3-day break at home for fear of something happening after what he received. Even though Jinyoung was getting bored, the trauma he had had before made his body weak. Although singing and dancing are not a problem for his heart and lungs, the actions of Bambam and Yugyeom reduce their ability to master breathing techniques to sing. Jaebum was very angry about that. He thought twice about recruiting both of them into the club for fear of hurting Jinyoung again. Although Youngjae could see that Bambam and Yugyeom had promised never to do it again.

That day became the last day Jinyoung rested at home and both Jaebum's father and the doctor had stated that Jinyoung had returned to health and was ready to carry out activities at his school as a student and move with Jaebum and the others.

"I didn't know that Jaebum became very protective of you." Jinyoung could see Jaebum's father chuckling, some of the people who loved and looked after Jinyoung.

"Maybe because of trauma and what happened to me on my first day of school," Jinyoung let out a small sigh with a smile, but Jaebum's father did not see him disappointed and sad. The trauma seemed to have become the past for Jinyoung.

"Trauma huh," Jinyoung blinked. "I've heard it from your sister about this." Jinyoung blinked again.

He remembered, that aside from the infirmary teacher and Jaebum, Jinyoung never told Jaebum's father. Somehow the man found out easily without Jinyoung need to tell it.

Has Jaebum-hyung's abilities decreased from his father? Jinyoung murmured softly thinking about that possibility.

Jinyoung nodded. "I'm sorry I never told you."

"Ah, no, it's not a problem. After all it's your decision to tell it or not. " Jinyoung blinked when he saw Jaebum's father trying to calm Jinyoung who felt guilty about not saying anything. "You haven't decided to stay here any longer or not, and I think you're still adjusting to the environment and ourselves," Jinyoung frowned, somehow Jaebum's father could read his mind, before nodding slightly. "You can tell it after you have been convinced to live with us and trust us completely, you know, I am very happy when you are here." Jinyoung blinked in surprise. "Jaebum is slowly, starting to change."

"Changed? Jaebum-hyung? " Jinyoung tilted his head in confusion. He did not know that Jaebum was trying to change, or rather the father who saw the growth of his only child.

"In the past, the father was indeed quite quiet and always busy with what became his passion." Jinyoung could see the father chuckling.

Passion huh? Jinyoung blinked. You mean Jaebum-hyung's favorite, which is music? Jinyoung remembered how Jaebum, who was already so serious when it came to music and songs, could forget things and how heaps of paper with words strewn about in their club rooms.

"That's not a bad thing, everyone also knows. Even better, he has something that can be continued and lived as desired, and might make money to continue. Not a few who do not have dreams to achieve, like Jaebum. " The father turned to Jinyoung who listened carefully. The boy nodded in understanding.

A dream, I also want to have it. Jinyoung blinked again. Ah, I found it, too right? Yesterday at the music store?

The father could only smile at the expression Jinyoung showed.

"Jaebum is indeed a child who was like that from childhood. He who doesn't have a brother or sister, makes everything here is his. But he isn't spoiled, that's what makes me so grateful. " Jinyoung saw his father put on a gentle expression of relief.

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