Coming Home

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Jaebum and Jinyoung finally did the recording. After getting the least results from Jinyoung's voice learning to sing the song, Jinyoung was asked to try to do a recording with him. Youngjae helped Jinyoung who was a little confused how to sing it, followed by Jackson and Jaebum themselves.

"Try sing it a bit high." Jinyoung nodded and tried it in front of Jaebum.

"That's good, I just don't think it should be too high." Youngjae also gave advice.


"Jinyoung-hyung's low voice isn't needed? If it's high, Jaebum-hyung's voice will be overwritten by his voice. Except for Jaebum-hyung singing, adjusting Jinyoung-hyung's voice." Jaebum touched his chin before nodding in agreement.

"Alright, reduce it a little." Jinyoung nodded and tried again. "Very nice. Try singing like that."

Jinyoung returned to the recording room. With sweat running down his temples, Mark and the others could see Jinyoung struggling. In addition to not being troublesome, at the same time meeting the expectations of his adopted brother.

After getting the part that Jaebum wants, Mark and Jackson help Jinyoung sing the part that Jinyoung thinks makes it difficult. Although Mark initially hesitated because he was not good at teaching people, Jinyoung made it easy to teach him without him knowing it. Mark taught him as if he was superior to Jinyoung. Their new members who were quite enthusiastic in making songs that were made especially for him and Jaebum also made Mark and the others so excited in the other Jaebum songs. Mark and Jackson began to practice dancing when Jaebum and Jinyoung were recording.

"Jinyoung-ah, this we do together."


With a tight and choked voice, Jaebum knew that Jinyoung was nervous while doing it. He tried hard to be able to do the best for him.

Youngjae nodded happily when Jaebum and Jinyoung managed to sing the song that was first sung by Jinyoung, who had a deep voice more than the two of them.

"You made the lyrics, Jaebum-ah?" Mark asked when Jinyoung assisted Youngjae in the recording room. Jaebum looked up.

"Jinyoung helped me a little." Mark blinked in surprise.

"Really?" Jaebum smiled slightly.

"His lyrics match the tone of this song ..." Mark blinked when Jaebum looked shy when he talked about it.

"Do you have the title?" Jaebum blinked.

"Jinyoung made it too." Mark and Jaebum both put on a confused expression the first time.

"Hm? Why do you all have faces like you see ghosts? "

The two turned around when they saw Jackson say it as they entered their club room and took off their thick jackets.

"No," Mark said.

"It is nothing." Add Jaebum who still has a confused expression.

"Then what's the title?"

"Coming Home."

Both of them turned their heads together when they heard Youngjae's voice near them. The man is now wrapping a large headset around his neck. "That's what I saw on the paper Jinyoung-hyung used inside."

Mark and Jaebum turned, when Jinyoung tried to sing it repeatedly, his mouth widened, opened and closed repeatedly as if Jinyoung was trying to find the right one to sing in his song.

"Good one." Said Jackson, now approaching Jaebum and Mark who was still wearing a surprised expression. "What?" Jackson asked, who finally wondered why the two seemed to not believe.

"You know that Jaebum rarely approves of our titles in the songs we sing together right?" Jackson glanced at Youngjae before nodding. Jaebum is now only staring at a board that contains a variety of special buttons to record and three screens that show the results of the recording. "Rarely does he approve of our title..."

"Ahhh! So, you are surprised that Jaebum immediately approved the title made by Jinyoung?" Mark nodded. Youngjae now blinked aware of it. The three looked at Jaebum who was staring at Jinyoung inside with a red blush on his cheek. "Don't say you have feelings for..."

"Shut up." Jaebum said trying to stop Jackson from guessing with a fadful expression on his face.

"Well, Jinyoung is also our beloved younger brother like Youngjae." Mark's words did not make the red blush on Jaebum's cheeks disappear.

"Then what about Youngjae-ah!?"

"Eeehhh?? Why are you talking about me??" Youngjae panicked when Jackson mentioned his name.

"Aren't you and Jaebum very close???" Jackson said while teasing him.

"Jaebum-hyung is really kind!" Said Youngjae increasingly redden the blush around the cheek Jaebum.

"When will you make a move, Im Jaebum!"

"I do not understand what you mean." Jaebum averted his eyes.

"I didn't hear that one was Jaebum. Say it out loud!"

Jinyoung sighed softly when he managed to get what he wanted. He looked up and saw that across the glass he was engrossed with Jackson who pulled Youngjae closer to Jaebum. At the same time, the red color adorns both cheeks.

It's my fault to go alone without you who doesn't know your school and new home environment just to see Youngjae. Jinyoung remembered Jaebum's words when he was chased by his adoptive brother to ask him to return home and explain why Jaebum left him to go to school first.

Youngjae is a special person to him. Jinyoung sighed again. Youngjae is indeed innocent and interesting. Jinyoung looked up again.

Surely Jaebum-hyung likes a guy like him. Jinyoung glanced at the paper containing his writing for the song Jaebum wanted to sing with him. Jinyoung reached for the paper.

Can I be special person to him too, before I leave?

Jaebum who managed to fight Jackson looked up at the glass where Jinyoung was. The man looked at the paper containing the lyrics with a look of sadness and loneliness, before finally returning the paper to its place. Jaebum saw him taking a breath and let it out slowly, like a soldier ready for war. Unconsciously the young man turned to him and their eyes met. Jinyoung gave a sign that he was ready, which strangely made Jaebum understand that Jinyoung was trying his best for him. Jaebum nodded and finally decided to continue recording the song with Jinyoung.

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