Duo Energic

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Jaebum asked Jinyoung and the others to gather in the club room after school activities ended. Although it has become their habit, it is strange if Jaebum asks permission first. "This is very suspicious."

"Stop thinking bad, Jackson."

"I'm just investigating! Investigate! You know that usually Jaebum never asks for permission like this? Mark thought about Jackson's words.

"Is this a surprise?" Asked Youngjae whose eyes were sparkling happily.

"Maybe." Jinyoung agreed too.

"Did Jaebum-hyung say something to Jinyoung-hyung?"

"Hm? No... "Jinyoung stared up at the sky, the sky still felt warm and hot before finally slowly turning to orange.


The day before, Jinyoung who was in Jaebum's room and enjoyed the book saw Jaebum staring intently at something on his desk. The first time Jaebum acted like that and seemed not to notice his presence there.

"Jaebum-hyung? You okay?" Jinyoung asked with some hesitation.

"Jinyoung." The man called shuddered. He had never heard Jaebum say something in a heavy and firm tone like he had just heard. Jinyoung who tried to calm down swallowed slowly.

"...Yes?" Jinyoung frowned when he saw Jaebum glared at him.

"Tomorrow, I ask that you guys gather in the club room after school activities are over." Jinyoung blinked.

"What is going on...?" Although he knew Jaebum would not give him an answer, Jinyoung only stared into the same fixed black eyes with him without stopping. The silence given by Jaebum made Jinyoung swallow once more.

"Okay, Jaebum-hyung."

Jinyoung saw his adopted brother nod in satisfaction before returning to his busy schedule. The confused Jinyoung finally decided to go back to his room because he couldn't stand the pressure Jaebum gave him.


"So, Jaebum-hyung didn't talk to you after hyung left his room?!" Jinyoung could only nod when Youngjae looked shocked.

"Leader Im Jaebum!" Jackson just shouted his name as if it was a small thing.

"But he talks normally with us in class." Mark tells as if it is important information. Jinyoung frowned.

"I hope I didn't do something that made him angry."

The four arrived at the club room as usual. They see Jaebum is now busy recording, fiddling with sounds of help and additions to the song he is working on. They knew they were in the process of making Jaebum and Jinyoung's songs, so his adopted brother moved smoothly and quietly to the couch and focused on recording. Although Jaebum did not say that they would record that day, Jinyoung still tried and practiced for the song. Mark, Jackson and Youngjae are still frozen in front of the door.

"Hm? Why did you just stay there? "

The silence that was finally lost by Jaebum's usual voice and his confused expression made the three of them sigh in relief. They behaved as usual and began their respective activities. Jinyoung understood that maybe he made a mistake so Jaebum was angry and didn't want to talk to him, but Jinyoung tried to think positively and focus on making the songs they had agreed on.

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