Past Trauma

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Jinyoung opened his eyes slowly, seeing the room before him was pure white, different from what he had seen before. Jinyoung blinked, as if trying to wake up from his dream. He felt very deep pain in his cheeks, stomach, and burning sensation around his eyes. He guessed that he cried again, and ended up with someone's help here. Is this the infirmary? He thought trying to look around even though his head was throbbing loudly. Himself sighed softly.

I felt I heard Jaebum-hyung's voice ... he added with a feeling of relief. But it must be just my imagination, Jinyoung tried to shake his head and ended up freezing. Jinyoung covered his entire body with a white blanket, curled to the left toward the window.

I have to go ... and not come back again.


Half an hour later Jinyoung woke up to the sound of the door sliding slowly. The sound of footsteps typically worn by women made him look up and try to see who it was. Even though his headache hadn't disappeared and he was fast asleep, Jinyoung still forced himself.

"Ah, you wake up?" he asked as he uncovered the white curtain that covered the outside.

Jinyoung blinked, this must be a health teacher, he murmured concluded.

"How are you? It must hurt so badly to be battered like that. " Jinyoung also tried to get up. "Ah, you don't need to force yourself. I'm here until class today is over. " He said with a friendly smile that made Jinyoung feel comfortable. Jinyoung lay back down.

"Um, may I know who brought me here?"

"Hmm, if I'm not mistaken, second graders, two people are here." Jinyoung blinked digesting the answer.

"What about the five people?"

"Ah, the principal and school security have taken care of it. As usual they are very nimble." Jinyoung blinked twice.

"Who do you mean?" The teacher chuckled.

"The two people who saved you, second graders, Im Jaebum and Jackson Wang." Jinyoung widened his eyes in surprise. "There is actually another one, Mark Tuan, but I think he is taking care of the five people when both of them are bringing you here. Really good cooperation. " The teacher laughed again.

She knew them, knew Jaebum.

Jinyoung felt something throbbing in his chest, and he knew what it was. He was jealous of Jaebum, he had warmth, a father who loved him, his friends who trusted him and always by his side. Not those who only want to know about you and leave you when they are satisfied with what they can do to you.

Jinyoung smiled a little, and he didn't do it for the teacher's sake. Jinyoung got up. "I want to go home." Jinyoung tried hard, even though everything hurt.

"Are you sure? It's okay until the school bell ends ringing. Jaebum and the others will pick you- "Jinyoung shook his head, as if he didn't want to hear the sequel.

"I don't want to be a trouble to him." The teacher blinked confused.

"Trouble? I do not think so. Jaebum and Jackson are very worried about you. " Jinyoung who smiled bitterly widened.

"Precisely because of that, I shouldn't worry them." The teacher blinked, before finally giving in to Jinyoung's decision.

"Okay. Let me ask your classmates to bring your bag. " Jinyoung smiled a little.

"Thank you very much."

The teacher sat down to point at Jinyoung, making the boy blink in confusion.

"Why don't you want to bother someone that much?" Jinyoung was surprised, before looking down, decided whether to answer it or not. Jinyoung swallowed hard.

"... This is not the first time for me." The teacher was surprised.

"You let them then?" Jinyoung shook his head slowly.

"I'm trying. Try hard. But it always ends the same. " Jinyoung was silent for a while.

"Every school that I go to, must be like this. I don't know whether this is karma or punishment for me. " The teacher wants to say something, but she undoes it. Knowing that it was not comparable to what Jinyoung felt until now. "I tried hard not to bother, but in the end, as if due to appearance and punishment for me, I returned be a troublesome. Sister is very busy, and I know I have to be able to take care of myself. However, I can't. " Jinyoung lifted his legs, hugged him tightly. "Nobody taught me that."

The wind blows gently, making the teacher cringe sadly as he digests every word that Jinyoung says.

"I think that this time, for sure, I will be fine. Nobody will ever try to hurt me again." Jinyoung looked up, letting a smile painted on his face. "Moreover, I just got a new brother." The teacher saw another happiness in Jinyoung's eyes. "This is my first time being a younger brother." Jinyoung said while rubbing his back neck. "Because I only have an older sister. Because I was treated like that so often, I only told my sister and she who knew me well. She is so protective that I don't want to worry her anymore. " The teacher smiled slightly. "But since my sister is busy, she is almost neglected. I tried hard to help her, support her, but I myself did not understand how. In the end I decided to live alone and let my sister try to live her own way. I miss her, but I want to prove that I can and will return to my sister when she is no longer busy. " The teacher silently listened, as if listening to a legend's tale. "So that when we meet again, we can have fun and be happy together."

"You can do it, Jinyoung." The man looked up, looked at the teacher who looked at him softly and smiled warmly. Jinyoung felt his heart warm a little. The teacher seemed to give him support in her own way.

"But Jinyoungie," he looked up again. "Shouldn't you stop this immediately if you don't want to bother anyone?" Especially Jaebum?" Jinyoung frowned. He knows that for sure. Only, he did not know how. "Jaebum, is that your new brother?"

The teacher could see another happiness when Jinyoung heard the name Jaebum.

"Yes. Although his first impression was very bad and ignorant, Jaebum-hyung was very kind. We have a lot in common!" The teacher smiled, as if she was listening to the chatter of a child in front of her with various bandages on his face and stomach, and how thin Jinyoung in front of her. His childish smile and the frown lines around his eyes make Jinyoung so attractive and charming. His white face and handsome face were now filled with something that was not supposed to be there.

"Thank you." The teacher blinked in surprise. "Because usually only with my sister, I can tell a lot of things like this." The teacher could only smile. It's hard to see a kid as honest as Jinyoung having to suffer and try to survive past him. "Please, take care of Jaebum-hyung and the others."

Jinyoung smiled, and the teacher let Jinyoung go before Jaebum picked him up.

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