The Hope for Tomorrow

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Jaebum grumbled angrily when Mark made him realize that he was now in love with Jinyoung, his adopted brother. The feeling that he thought he would have towards Youngjae, now changed direction towards Jinyoung. Since the first day he saw Jinyoung, Jaebum had wanted to protect and protect him from all the things that made his sister sad. Jaebum wanted to see the smile and laughter on Jinyoung's face, and not the sadness also the wounds that were not appropriate on his white face and handsome appearance. The person who thought he would only be someone else in his house with his father, now managed to occupy the space in his heart that he thought only Youngjae would have.

Jaebum loved Youngjae the way he loved Jinyoung. But now it's nothing more than a very innocent and pleasant little brother, also likes the songs he made. Not like it used to, it feels strange and confusing when you feel it towards others easily in a short period of time. Jaebum loved Jinyoung like Youngjae, but now there is a feeling he wants to protect Jinyoung, stating that he can do that and only he can do it. He should be the first to know Jinyoung's news, what Jinyoung did, and the first person he saw. Jaebum suddenly felt selfish about his adoptive younger brother. The first time Jaebum felt that way about someone, like feeling like a girl.

Since when have I felt this way about Jinyoung? Jaebum covered his face. I really want to take care and look after him as my father asked, and I also intend to do that. Jaebum looked up and found that Mark and Jackson were now clinging to Jinyoung and making his younger brother laugh. Bambam and Yugyeom joined in, giving Jinyoung a joke that sometimes made him laugh and some didn't.

So, my feelings for Youngjae have changed and now it's for Jinyoung? I don't believe that can happen in such a short time!

Jinyoung blinked at the sight of Jaebum staring at him with an expression full of inquiry. "Jaebum-hyung, are you alright?"

"Eh?" All turned to the leader who was confused himself.

"You looked at me with a probing look like that. Is there something on my face?" Jinyoung asked while touching his handsome white face.

"Eh? No... "Jaebum blinked while answering.

Mark smiled broadly. "He's just confused Jinyoung, no need to worry."

"Confused? About what?" Jaebum blinked to find Jinyoung frowning worriedly at him. Something was racing hard on his body, making Jaebum feel the first time his chest was beating for someone.

"Nothing ... nothing ..." Jaebum blinked in confusion.

Why am I embarrassed when Jinyoung worries about me? Jaebum increasingly wondered in his heart.

"Mark, do you know something?" Jackson who was annoyed finally asked Mark, who put on a secretive expression.

Mark turned to Jackson and gave an ignorant smile. "Things that will definitely be great news to you."

"What?! Say that now!" Jackson's eyes shone happily at that from Mark.

"Mark." Jaebum grabbed Mark's shoulder and made the man giggle even though his grip was tight enough. His tone was oppressive and terrifying. "If you dare to tell Jackson before I am sure about that, I will not forgive you."

"I know, I know."

Mark patted Jaebum's hand tightly around his small shoulder. Mark's laughter did not escape the handsome face like his prince.

"Eeehhh?? Jaebum stingy! "

"Shut up." He grumbled and released the grip of his hand from Mark's shoulder. The other three people could only shiver in horror when Jaebum forced it.

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