Tomorrow, Today

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Jinyoung blinked a few times when he heard that question. The father just looked at him with a loving smile similar to Jaebum, his own son. After a few pauses, the father finally opened his mouth. "You look surprised." He said aware of Jinyoung's attitude and managed to make what was meant come back to the world. "Sorry if it sounds suddenly," Jinyoung turned around. "However, we already feel comfortable with Jinyoung's presence here." Jinyoung blinked. "A place where we thought there would only be silence and a little warmth, are now brighter with your presence."

"Not like that!" The father looked up. "S-sorry, however, I don't think it's just silence and warmth, I can feel that you trust each other, so words are not needed." Jaebum's father listens. "It's not quiet here! Really!" Jaebum's father blinked in surprise at Jinyoung's words and his tenacity denied what was said, making him smile.

"Thank you, Jinyoung." The father gets up. "So, are you still going to go?"

"Eh?" Jinyoung blinked.

"Hearing that, I don't think you intend to stay."

"Th-that's ..." Jinyoung frowned.

"Think about it." Jinyoung looked up and saw the sad expression on Jaebum's father's face. "If your decision remains unsettled, I have found several good families and I know who wants to take care of you for a while." Jinyoung saw him moving outside the bedroom door.

"I hope you stay here." While giving a small smile, Jinyoung saw the figure disappear behind the closed door. Jinyoung frowned and sighed softly.

Not that I don't want to. Jinyoung clutched his chest. I'm just afraid that even that opportunity will only be temporary.

"Jinyoung-ie, I'm going in." The one called jumped in surprise and made Jaebum blink. "What is wrong?"

"N-no." Jinyoung sighed softly when he realized that it was only Jaebum who surprised him. "Hyung just made me surprised..." he said while taking a deep breath and throwing it slowly.

Jaebum blinked before turning his back to see his father's figure now at the dining table. "Something happened with my father? What did he say?"

"Eh? Ah, he asked how the song we sang together, "Jaebum can see sweat running down his temples. Jaebum frowned and glared at Jinyoung.

"Are you sure?" Jinyoung nodded like a child, who seemed to be trying hard to hide something that he couldn't hide properly. Jaebum sighed softly. "Okay." Jaebum came in and closed the door.

"Oh yeah, what's wrong, hyung?" Jaebum saw Jinyoung back to the way he was before talking to his father. Jaebum sat on the edge of Jinyoung's bed.

"I was thinking about how you practice singing,"

"Ah, I've found a good one!" Jaebum could see the child shining happily. "I'll make sure I can sing it well."

Jaebum smiled mischievously. "Then, let's sing together." Surprised, Jinyoung blinked twice before accepting the challenge.

"I will try!"


As Jinyoung said, he managed to sing well a song made by Jaebum that he wanted to sing with Jinyoung's deep voice. The boy sang it passionately and so entered into the song. Jaebum who used to sing and his voice was very good, raised his eyebrows when he saw the expression Jinyoung displayed when singing it. For some reason, he was so deep into their song this time. Something happened with his father, that's what Jaebum thought. It was the first time Jaebum saw Jinyoung sing such a dramatic song. Usually with tension, nervousness, or with warmth and tenderness.

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