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In addition to the songs Coming Home and Tomorrow, Today, Jinyoung finally agreed to make three other songs that have strings similar to the previous two songs. Jaebum gave him the titles, Find You, Icarus and On & On. With enthusiasm and never give up, Jaebum worked on the song assisted by three of his club members besides Jinyoung. His adopted brother helped in making lyrics and some of the notes that would be sung in it. Youngjae and Mark helped in justifying the tone as well as the choreography. Jackson helps sing how high and low the sound will be sung. Everything works together in making songs. Although this song is specifically for Jaebum and Jinyoung, they don't mind and instead are eager to help him.

Even so, Jaebum didn't forget them. He has prepared suitable songs to be sung by all of them whenever possible. Jaebum who is now sitting staring at his new song besides the song he sang with Jaebum also frowns. His eyes were so serious that even Jinyoung who came didn't bother him.

"What are you thinking about, hyung?"

Jaebum looked up and found Jinyoung bringing lunch that day with his usual smile. After storing it on the table, Jinyoung sat in a chair and approached Jaebum. He saw the adoptive brother sigh softly.

"I think I need more voices."

Jinyoung blinked this time. "You mean new members?" Jaebum nodded.

"Of course, your voice is enough and I still need it." Jinyoung turned to the paper Jaebum was holding.

"But I want to add two more people to this song."

"Have you prepared a new one?" Jaebum nodded.

"At the same time adjusting the wet hoarse voice you said before." Jinyoung blinked before laughing.

"It sounds like that." Jaebum nodded, and Jinyoung understood that the man agreed.

"Do you have a suitable person in your class or in your other club?"

"Want boy or girl?" Jaebum raised his eyebrows when Jinyoung seemed to understand Jaebum's intentions.

It feels like with Jinyoung I don't need to say much ...

"If you can boys, you know how girls are here." Jinyoung nodded after giving a slight pause. "However, still-"

"What if the one who is good at dancing and also weird?" Jaebum raised his eyebrows.

"What's with your recommendation?" Jinyoung laughed.

"Maybe not in my class. However, for the past few days there have been rumors that there are two boys who are intimate, one of which is very tall and good at dancing, and the other one is rather strange and it seems that he has no boundaries between reality and imagination. More precisely always being himself and following his own pace." Jinyoung saw Jaebum giving him an expression of disbelief and a little suspicious.

"... Are you sure you want to bring that person here?" Jinyoung laughed again.

"It's funny that Jaebum-hyung shows it honestly like that." Jaebum just blinked confused. "Well, you said you needed more voices." Jinyoung started to open their lunch. "I suggest and maybe they are interesting." He gave Jaebum a box. "I don't know if this is true and I don't really like gossip," He saw Jaebum start opening his lunch box. "However, the tall ones are good at dancing, and are always considered dancing machine."

Jaebum raised his eyebrows when the chopsticks were in his mouth. "Dancing machine?" The sound of chopsticks splitting was heard. Jinyoung nodded.

"Every time he feels comfortable, happy and so on, he moves his body to channel that happiness, is he happy to do it maybe? Or familiar with it? " Jinyoung opened his own.

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