Jaebum's Little Wish

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Mark was confused when he did not see Jinyoung not with them when he and Jackson were busy staring at Jaebum and Youngjae who were absorbed together.

"We shouldn't invite Jinyoung!" he said to Jackson in an accusing tone.

"I'm sure he's around here somewhere! Calm down! "

"That's because we didn't go with them from the start!" Jackson sighed softly before trying to calm Mark one more time.

"I will be responsible, calm down." Jackson returned to Jaebum and Youngjae, who were seen quietly in front of a shelf. "I'll look to the end of the world if Jinyoung is really gone."

Mark seemed to disagree, but in the end gave in to Jackson's decision.

"You have to promise me."

"I promise." Jackson said firmly and without turning his gaze to Jaebum and Youngjae. However, Jackson caught the strangeness of Jaebum.

"... Why is he silent?"

"What do you mean?" Mark also saw Jaebum, who was frozen as if shocked when Youngjae was still absorbed by the artists in front of him. "You are right. Why?"

"Did he see something that surprised him?"

"Who?" Jackson thinks.

"Don't tell me, it's Jinyoung."

Jaebum's lips are now moving slowly.

"... Jinyoung?" Youngjae who heard the name was also looked up.

"Eh? Is there Jinyoung-hyung here..."

His words stopped when he followed Jaebum's eyes and found Jinyoung standing not far from them. He was absorbed in the song set on the headphones in front of him and his eyes closed. The man seemed to be in a world that they did not know at all. There is a certain warmth felt by Jinyoung when he heard the tunes set. Jaebum can see Jinyoung singing it, as if he made the song. Jinyoung enjoyed the melody, Jinyoung enjoyed the music. Youngjae's face is getting brighter.


The man called was surprised and turned his head. He blinked when he saw Youngjae approaching like a puppy meeting his owner who had just returned. The man took off his headphones and blinked several times.


"What a coincidence that we met here!" he said while hugging Jinyoung.

"You're right." Jinyoung looked up when Youngjae let go of his arms. "The first time I came here."

"Really?" Jinyoung nodded.

"Because of the trauma I received, I was not allowed by my sister to go out of the house alone." Youngjae smiled mischievously.

"But now you go out alone." Jinyoung smiled back.

"I already believe that my friends will protect me anyway." Youngjae blinked.

"Your friends?"

As if the cue from Jinyoung, Jackson and Mark also showed their figure. Jaebum and Youngjae were surprised. "Jackson and Mark-hyung!" said Youngjae in a high tone. While Jaebum let out a long sigh before shaking his head slowly.

"... Sorry, Jaebum-ah." Mark said as the apology representative along with Jackson.

"I didn't know you were coming along too, Jinyoung." The man in question only smiled.

"I'm just curious as to what the music store is." Jinyoung looked up. "It turns out to have an extraordinary place like a bookstore."

Jaebum blinked when he caught something in Jinyoung's eyes. He seemed to find something he had never found so far.

"The songs are good and interesting too!" Jaebum opened his mouth when he heard the praise from Jinyoung's mouth.


"You make me worry; you know!" said Mark who now grabbed Jinyoung's arm.

"Sorry, Mark-hyung." Jinyoung apologized to Mark who was really worried about him.

"Jackson is too serious about Jaebum and Youngjae anyway."

"You too, hey!" Mark laughed. Jinyoung followed him.

"Then why are you here?"

"I told you I'm curious." Said Jinyoung confirmed once more. "I'm just used to listening to songs with my sister, and when she sets the song." Jinyoung started. "But this is the first time I have come to a music shop with my own will. It feels different. "

"Lots of good songs, you know! Come on! " Jinyoung was pulled by Youngjae who seemed to want to introduce the music he heard and liked.

"Wait, I'm not done listening this!"

Jaebum blinked seeing Youngjae who was enthusiastic about Jinyoung. Including Jinyoung who as usual faced the innocent and spoiled Youngjae.

Now Jaebum feels something else. Jinyoung seemed like someone who was seen as exceeding his feelings for Youngjae. Jaebum loves both of them, but there is something that Jaebum doesn't have and Jinyoung has, and vice versa. There was something that made Jaebum understand without Jinyoung having to say a word to him. There is calm and gratitude from Jinyoung's attitude, which seems to be mature and can understand him. Although trauma ever hit the man and made him like someone else. However, Jaebum now feels it is just the past. Jinyoung changed, whether it was realized by Jinyoung himself or not.

If Jinyoung doesn't get bullied, will I meet him?

Mark revived Jaebum from his reverie. "Jaebum, what's up?"

"Eh? Ah ... "Jaebum stopped. "It is nothing."

Will one day I meet with Jinyoung, with a personality I don't know about?

While following Mark and the others, Jaebum hoped that he would meet with Jinyoung even though their meeting was not due to the trauma Jinyoung had received as a child.

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