The Choice

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Jaebum returned to the school when the day's class was over, with Mark, Jackson, and Youngjae. He wanted to introduce Jinyoung to all of them, but failed because of what happened to Jinyoung on his first day at school. Jaebum opened the infirmary door, and only found the infirmary teacher sitting there looking at the writing on the white paper in her hand.

"School hours are over, why are you still here?" Jaebum blinked confused.

"Well, I want to pick up Jinyoung."

"Ah, Jinyoung has come home since the last hour class. He said he was better and want to rest at home. I asked his classmates to bring his bags as well. He didn't tell you? " Jaebum shook his head slowly.

"Didn't I say I'd pick him up after class?"

"Right. But Jinyoung said he didn't want to trouble you, so he decided to go home."

"...Trouble me?" Jaebum's words seemed to stop in his throat, unable to come out even if he wanted to. The teacher just smiled.

"I'm asked, why doesn't Jinyoung want to bother others." Jaebum and his friend were surprised. "Of course, it doesn't matter if he doesn't want to. He is a new kid here, and his friends should help get to know the school and its environment, as well as himself. Jinyoung should also try, but you know, "the teacher turned to Jaebum. "He said this was not the first time this had happened."

Jaebum can only set his eyes wider. Jackson, who now speaks for him.

"Not the first time?! Why didn't he tell me?! " The teacher just smiled a little.

"Even though you guys consider him a friend, does Jinyoung think so?" Jackson was silent. "Surely Jinyoung wants to, however, what if he thinks if you know about this, you will be inconvenienced?" Mark frowned. "What if Jinyoung really wants to be friends with you, also with his new classmates, but because of him they have to get hurt?" Jackson bit his lip. "Isn't that the first thought that crossed his mind?"

"Jinyoung doesn't want anyone to get hurt by him." The teacher nodded when Mark understood. He turned to Jaebum. "Especially you, Jaebum." The man could only blink in confusion. "Is he your brother, Jaebum?"

Jaebum doesn't know what to answer. His mouth is really locked. However, he did not want to remember that he regretted what he had not done for Jinyoung. Like he left him alone to go to school without him.

"Yes." He said firmly. "He's my adopted brother. For the time being." Jaebum glanced at his eyes as the teacher tried to understand the meaning of that view.

"Jaebum ..."

Jaebum swallowed. "Actually, I myself don't know what to do. How to act as an older brother..." Jaebum closed his eyes. "I never take care of someone, let alone that father's request ..."

"You always take care of us don't you, Jaebum-ah?" Jaebum turned around when he felt his shoulder tapped again.

Mark and Jackson gave him a proud expression. Youngjae could only smile a little, because he did not know what to say to the three people who had always protected him until now.

"You're just unconscious and used to it!" Jaebum laughed when Jackson said lightly.

"Well, maybe you're right," Jaebum sighed softly.

"Then Jaebum," the man returned to the teacher who smiled softly at him. "Do you mind if you add one more person to protect?" The man gaped. "You say it's only temporary right? It might just be a week, you know. "

"... a week?" Jaebum widen his eyes.

"Jaebum, this is only temporary, until someone wants to take it as an adopted child, you can breathe freely as you wish."

Jaebum remembered his father's words. Indeed, Jaebum strongly refused to be asked to take care of one more person, with the status of a foster brother for a while, when he was accustomed to taking care of others like Mark, Jackson and Youngjae. But seeing Jinyoung's figure, all the annoyance and reluctance were gone. Jaebum right then and wanted to protect Jinyoung.

"I see that you don't want to take care of one more person?"


"Sorry, Jaebum! We won't trouble you anymore! Let's protect him together, Jinyoung-ah!" Jackson invited as he rubbed his hands together, begging Jaebum. The man could only blink to see Jackson who seemed interested in Jinyoung. The teacher smiled.

"I will also help you to pay attention to him, so, let's bring him home, Jaebum?"

Jaebum didn't know what to say, hearing that request. Everything seemed to have been hypnotized to look after Jinyoung, while he was actually responsible for it. Jaebum himself has intended to take care of Jinyoung, no matter how long he stays at his house. Jaebum sighed.

"Okay." They cheered. "Before that, we have to find Jinyoung right?"

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