Dance Club and Jaebum's Friends

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Jaebum felt Jinyoung should be taken care of, and recalled that his teacher had said that Jinyoung was quite weak and his brother was very overprotective of him, because Jinyoung was easily persecuted and resigned to it. Jaebum wants Jinyoung to learn to face them. Jaebum knew that sounded stupid and Jinyoung wasn't completely weak, but when he was aware of what he had said to Jinyoung, Jaebum couldn't help but accept it all. Jaebum must protect Jinyoung, that's what crossed his mind. Mark and Jackson will certainly help him happily, remembering they are eager to get to know Jinyoung.

"Dance club? Very cool Jaebum-hyung." Jinyoung said when Jaebum explained about his club while heading to that place.

"I'm sure you will like the members too." Jinyoung just smiled before nodding.

Jaebum doesn't know how Jinyoung can be cheerful when yesterday's incident just happened to him. Although there was still a lot of bruises and bandages on his face and body, Jinyoung still tried to be straight and strong. His classmates also now ensure that Jinyoung is always accompanied and never alone. Many want to be Jinyoung's friend but don't dare to fight them. The five children have also been supervised and taken care of by the school. Everyone hopes that nothing will happen.

When Jaebum opened the door, Jackson's voice was heard. "Finally come, Im Jaebum!"

"Still, I'm older than you, Jackson." He grumbled while closing the door behind when Jinyoung had followed him into the club.

"I'm Jackson! Nice to meet you Jinyoung-ah!"

Jackson immediately reached out his hand, making Jinyoung a little surprised. But convinced that Jackson was Jaebum's best friend and had rescued him yesterday, Jinyoung did not hesitate to shake that hand. So rude but very manly.

"Mark. Nice to meet you, Jinyoung. "

Jinyoung smiled a little when Mark, smiled at him while introducing himself. His handsome face like a prince made Jinyoung feel comfortable to be friends with them.

"Ah, this is Choi Youngjae, same class with you and has joined our club. The vocal duet friend I told you about. " Jaebum said while whispering in his last sentence.

Jinyoung nodded and glanced at Youngjae who smiled despite looking shy. His hand was stretched out as if it was natural.

"Nice to meet you, Jinyoung." He said very much wanted to be held.

Jinyoung felt that Youngjae was very innocent and so full of smile. Children who really like the sun.

"Park Jinyoung. Nice to meet you too, Youngjae-ah. "

"You're same-age, but how come you look more mature, Jinyoung?" Jackson said mockingly.

"Shut up, Jackson-hyung!" he said with a blush decorating his cheeks.

"Is it true?" Jinyoung and Jaebum said it together.

Jackson and Mark were shocked when they heard it, as did Jinyoung and Jaebum who glanced at each other. Jinyoung smiled as Jaebum tried not to feel embarrassed.

"It's not important, Jackson-hyung. Youngjae looks like a good kid. "

"I'm a good kid!" said Youngjae forcefully. Jinyoung finally laughed.

"Youngjae is a good boy."

Youngjae's eyes sparkled before finally hugging Jinyoung.

"Thank you, Jinyoung-hyung!"

Jinyoung himself just smiled a little, and rubbed his head as if he were his younger brother now.

"Youngjae is more suitable to be Jinyoung's little brother huh." Said Jackson when he saw Youngjae who was already familiar with Jinyoung easily. Jaebum feels that Jinyoung has the charisma that younger one like him, especially children.

"I want to be Jinyoung-hyung's brother instead of Jackson-hyung's brother!"

"What did you say???" Jinyoung chuckled, seeing that Jaebum's two good friends were also good with him. Jaebum can only join in feeling relieved.

"What if you try to look around the club?"

"Right! Surely our club will not disappoint! "

"Jaebum-hyung said that the club does not mean our club is meant right."

"Oh, ya? I'm sure he will enter our club. "

Without realizing it, Jaebum hoped that was true. He wants Jinyoung to be beside him and others like this. Although it's certain he will protect Jinyoung wherever he is.

"Hmm, I'll think about it." Jinyoung said while touching his chin, with a very adorable gesture.

"Yeay!" Jackson cheered, and Jaebum felt relieved in his heart.

"Even so," Jinyoung turned around when he heard Jaebum whisper in his ear. "I still hope you join this club."

A red hue adorned Jinyoung's cheek when he heard the man's words. Jinyoung doesn't know why he feels happy when Jaebum wants him to be close to him together at the same club. Especially with friends who have considered him a friend from the start.

"I also want Jinyoung-hyung here!" Jinyoung was surprised when Youngjae pulled his hand away, holding it with hopeful eyes like a child. "I'm always being bullied by Jackson-hyung." Said Youngjae while glancing at Jackson.

"I heard that, you brat!" Youngjae ran away when Jackson chased him with a broad tooth smile.

Jinyoung sighed softly. "Since when was I called hyung?" Although a small smile did not escape the handsome face. Jaebum didn't miss that either.

"You do look good at taking care of someone." Jinyoung looked up with wide eyes in surprise.

"Is it true?" Jaebum just nodded. "I never thought that way because I was always taken care of by my sister." Jinyoung blinked a few times with a confused expression.

"Let me and the others judge it." Jinyoung looked up and found Jaebum smiling at him. Jinyoung felt that was very sexy.

"Ng!" Jinyoung smiled.

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