Older Brother

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"I'm going!" School day is very interesting for Jaebum. He can meet Jackson and Mark, his classmates and classmates as well as close friends, and also meets with Youngjae to play and sing along with him. Every day is really fun because Jaebum enjoys it with all my heart.

When he walked while muttering softly, Jaebum stopped for a while. Jaebum forgot, telling Jinyoung that he likes to sing and maybe Jinyoung was interested. But finally, Jaebum resumed walking and decided to say it when he met Jinyoung at school.

"What are you and Youngjae going to sing today?" Jackson asked when the three headed for the common cafeteria. Jaebum forgot which class Jinyoung was in and whether he would come to the cafeteria or not. They each went to school, and he knew he would be scolded by his father for forgetting Jinyoung.

So bad I forgot about Jinyoung just because I wanted to meet Youngjae, he murmured with pink tones starting to decorate his cheeks.

"Maybe my new song? I just made some lyrics and tone yesterday. "

"Wow, really? I want to hear! " Jackson said enthusiastically.

"Then come to the club." Jaebum grinned proudly.

"How about we make a choreography for that?" Mark said it while pointing his index finger.

"I agree!"


"Good morning." Said Jinyoung while rubbing his eyes and sleepy head even though he was getting ready for school. However, no one answered but silence. He turned around to see his adopted brother, Im Jaebum. Sighing sadly, Jinyoung sat on a table that had prepared some food for him.

Eat this with Jaebum. I heard your favorite food is not too different? I hope you like it! Let's have dinner for Jaebum to prepare it for you two. - Father Lim

Jinyoung smiled a little when he saw a small note near the food tray.

At least, Jaebum's father didn't forget that he was here.


Park Jinyoung entered the classroom feeling nervous and tense, without the presence of his kind and attractive foster sister accompanying him to meet new school life. Jinyoung didn't know that even though Im Jaebum's first impression was bad and frightening in his eyes, he was very attractive when he was close to him, according to his father's words. Jinyoung wanted to see him again soon and chat a lot with him.

The introduction in Jinyoung's class went well. He was pleased to get mixed reactions from the students in his class. But Jinyoung felt an unpleasant look at him when he sat in the chair that the teacher requested and the teaching and learning activities began.

Will something bad happen? Jinyoung tried not to think the reason for the gaze was too deep and only focused on the school and his new brother.

However, all that was wrong.

When the recess bell rang, five people pulled Jinyoung when he would be invited by other classmates to break together and chat a lot with him. Jinyoung couldn't refuse even though he tried, and his friends also helped because he was a new kid.

"Hey, you nerd. Come with us. " Jinyoung frowned seeing how they treated him.

"Hey, we have a need for him! Stop it! " said one girl trying to get rid of five children who seemed to have certain intentions for her.

"Shut up!"


The girl was hit with the elbow of one of the five men who surrounded Jinyoung and fell almost hit the table if not helped by other students.

"Don't be rude to girls!" he said with a frown.

"Don't touch!"

"Come with us if you don't want your classmates to get hurt again." Jinyoung frowned, biting his lip. He does not want that to happen, but that means he is sacrificing himself.

However, what else should he do? It's better than friends who already want to be friends with him hurt. Jinyoung resignedly followed the wishes of the five children to a lonely place. Carry out what they want on Jinyoung.

Jinyoung sighed softly. Again, like this? He muttered to himself when his arms were held tightly by two people and made him have to walk following them. Turns out it happens at any school? Jinyoung closed his eyes tightly.

Even though I just met him ...!


Jaebum who went to the school canteen with Mark and Jackson saw five people in a group dragging someone in the middle by force. Jaebum frowned in confusion, "What's that?" Mark murmured softly trying to see what they were doing. Jaebum just shrugged his shoulders, before his eyes saw some students starting to talk about what they saw.

"Hey, are they doing it again?"

"Poor thing, that's a new kid. First grade." Jaebum frowns worried.

Don't tell me Youngjae? It crossed his mind that a child who was so innocent and persecuted without his knowledge even though he was a close friend now.

"Geez, when can they stop anyway?"

"I'm sure they won't stop." Jaebum felt his shoulder tapped.

"Take it easy, it's not Youngjae." Mark tried to calm him down, and made Jaebum sigh of relief. "First grade has done something like this, it must be reported immediately." Jaebum nodded in agreement.

He, Mark and Jackson knew that this was normal in their school. When the first grade, Jaebum had seen their older seniors persecute a new student of his class in the same place. Jaebum tried to ignore it, but in the end, he, Mark and Jackson managed to stop such incidents from happening again and made them school heroes and respected people.

"But when are they get enough? Keep doing stupid things like that. " Jackson raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"I don't know, do you know who was dragged along?" Jaebum became curious, and like Mark said, things like that must be stopped immediately at its roots. Mark whispered to the two when he heard a little talk of other children.

"His name is Park Jinyoung."

Jaebum widened his eyes wide, looked up and immediately ran towards the five children, ignoring Mark and Jackson.


They were shocked in disbelief, seeing someone ignorant and assertive and at the same time feared like Jaebum, could run that fast.

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