Chapter Four

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I pop my earphones in, and opposite of a soft melody fills my ears as I walk towards U block. I love early mornings here,when the campus is quiet and it feels like I'm the only person on earth.

As a little girl I used to dream of being here. Not this exact campus but one similar.

I imagined coffee carts, and libraries filled with books all at my disposal - and now I have it.
I was sixteen when I finally told my mum I wanted to go university to become a writer. She laughed in my face - telling me I had no initiate, no drive. I had no idea about the world and would never make it.
That was the day I vowed to myself I would get there.  Now here I am, almost halfway through my second degree. Maybe I didn't get it right 100% the first time, but I completed my degree in Publishing, Creative Writing and Editing. For the year I worked in the industry I loved it, I did. But my need for stability won over my passion.
But I can't say I regret that degree. Or that I hate being back.

Fiddling with my phone I change the song, noting that I'm earlier than normal. Deciding to treat myself, I change direction and head to the campus café.

The door is heavy to push, and the little bell rings sweetly announcing my arrival. Taking out an earphone, so not to seem rude, I join the end of the line and peruse the board. I know I'll order the same thing, just as I always do. But it doesn't hurt to look.
One day I'd like to try the turmeric latte but my nose scrunches up as I notice a new addition – a beetroot latte. Noooo thank you.

"Well, well, well look who it is. Brunette barbie at college!"
I know that deep voice well. I turn around, taking in him, then I squeal, launching myself at him.


He chuckles loudly in my ear, as he embraces me. My feet lifting off the ground.
I draw back from him, and see several other early birds in the cafe staring. My cheeks burn in embarrassment. Yet when I look back to Andy, he doesn't seem to have noticed.

"I heard rumours you were planning on starting uni, but I didn't believe it," I say, leaning back to take him in.
He's taller since I last saw him and his shirt is snug around his arms, the muscles peeking through. He looks well, and it makes me happy. The only thing I'd change is the half mo above his lip. It reminds me of a slug.

His piercing eyes assess me, and we stand their grinning at each other, before a movement behind him catches my eye.
It's then I notice the other figure next to him. Logan.
I freeze at this unexpected addition.
God he looks so attractive. The white shirt he's wearing..he looks good.
"You remember Logan don't you?"
Andy's voice startles me.
"Of course," I smile, trying to collect myself and doing my best to avoid eye contact with Logan.
"Do you have time to chat?" Andy asks me, his eyes large like a puppy's.
My eyes flicker to Logan. Andy must notice.
"Don't mind him, he's in a mood," Andy fake whispers, as he directs me towards a booth.

Logan rolls his eyes exaggeratedly.
It baffles me. How are these guys even friends? They are just so different...

Logan begins to tap his long, lean fingers on the table, drumming them on the table's dirty surface.

Frankly I find it annoying and distracting, but I do my best to ignore him, turning my attention to my friend.

"How are you finding uni so far? I can't believe we haven't run into each other until now. Well I guess I can, it's a bit different to high school... we are a bit different."
Andy let's out a laugh, leaning in towards me to grab my hand.
But what really captures my attention is Logan. His head snaps towards me, surprise, and anger filling his elegant facial features.

Then it hits me.

He went to our high school together to. This is how we all know each other. Me. Andy. Logan.

We were in high school together. Only for a short period of time, but we were - and as his eyes search mine, I'm taken back to those months in grade 10.
Andy continues talking, but I'm really not hearing a word he's saying.
I flashback to when Logan was a lanky, angry kid. Not that much has changed judging by his demeanour. My eyes run up to his face. His trademark scowl is settled on his lips and his hair is sticking up at odd angles. I'm suddenly reminded of the Mohawk he turned up with randomly one day, and the way he never wore the correct uniform. He was a principals nightmare. Some kids thought he was weird, others thought he was a legend. Me, I only had a few real interactions with him...
But there is no way he would remember me.
Logan's eyes leave mine and I drag my thoughts back to Andy who is in front of me, his sweet face waiting for my to reply.

I take a mouthful of coffee, knowing it will only increase my already racing heart and mind, but at least it gives me something to do with my hands.

I find myself wondering if Logan was remembering too...

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