Chapter Eighteen

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This chapter is a bit of long one. I also added an "Ally" POV at the bottom, I felt it needed it. I hope you enjoy it 💕


I've been replaying that kiss for a few days now, which is not something I normally do. I feel like a teenage girl for Gods sake.

That girl is infuriating. I just wanted her to shut up. That's the only excuse I can think of as to why my lips found themselves against hers.

I don't feel guilty exactly, but why did I push her like that? Why do I want to see if she's as flawed as I am? I don't want to be this guy. But it comes so god damn naturally.

The kiss. I don't regret it but I'm sure she does. I guess I could argue Bridget is doing the same, if not worse, but it doesn't ease the pit in my stomach. But right now the kiss is the least of my worriesp.

To say it's been a shit few days is an understatement. My whole body aches, and I'm avoiding everyone. My family, Andrew and Bridget. Of course the moment I decide I don't want to see anyone is the moment that everyone seems to want to contact me.

My phone vibrates in my pocket and when I lift it towards me, Bridget's name flashes before my eyes. There are several little hearts beside her name – courtesy of Bridget herself. She's called 8 times, God damn needy for a girl who I'm sure has a phone full of guys to contact.
My phone pings, a message alerting my to a new voicemail from Bridget, but my eyes fall underneath it to my unopened message, "please come home Logan. I miss you xo."

It's from Izzie.

Shoving my phone back into my pocket I stride through the uni, lifting my Navy hoodie over my head and keeping my eyes down to avoid running into anyone.

Initially I'd decided to accept the uni's offer just to get away from my family. From Bridget. From everything, but I've actually enjoyed the few classes I've been to so far. It's giving me a bit of direction in what currently feels like a directionless existence. They are only bridging courses since I didn't pass high school, but they interest me in a way school never did. If I'm being honest, I'm regretting those days, which turned into weeks, that I took off school. Instead of sitting through high school classes I was getting drunk or high behind the local shopping centre. Or both. Mostly both.

I tug my sleeves down and speed walk towards the large wooden doors of U18. I notice a pair of sandals on the pavement in front of me at the last minute. My body collides with a smaller human and they bounce off me towards the ground. I reach out and grab their arm at the last second. A squeal pierces the air and I pull my hoodie down with my other hand so I can see properly.

My heart skips a beat when I register her face. Of course I'd run into her like this – looking, and feeling like complete and utter shit. She looks stunning. Her hair is loose, falling over her blue tank top. She has gloss on her lips, and my eyes can't look away.

I hoist her properly to her feet and we stand there for a moment not talking. The electricity between us is charged. Her eyes meet mine. As beautiful as they are, they seem sad and I can't seem to look away.

After a few seconds she yanks back her hand.
The loss of her small, soft hand hits me hard.

"You should watch where you're going," I snap bluntly.

Ally frowns, her strong eyebrows drawing together. She looks at me a beat longer before looking away and taking a deep breath – like it pains her to actually speak to me.

"Nothing like.. like what happened the other day is going to happen again," she says, her deep brown eyes finally meeting mine again.
"Ever. You're dating one of my best friends. And I'm a shit person for what I've done already I..."

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