Chapter Ten

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"You guys need to get out of here now," Andrew says. His voice which is at first strong, cracks at the end.
I'm surprised at the clarity of his words given that I saw him passed out less that two hours ago.
I turn to Logan. He runs his hand through his hair - leaving a streak of red is left behind, staining the tips of his sandy blonde hair.
My heart twists in my chest.
Without another word. Andrew turns from us and begins walking back up the stairs towards the room we were just in.
The room where...

I push those thoughts to the back of my mind. I don't fancy being caught by the cops. Unlike my friends, I don't have the money to get myself out of lock up.
Hastily I make my way towards the front door, I don't even look back  to see if Logan is following.

Most people are asleep, and those who aren't don't pay me any attention. I watch them briefly, jealously, as they lounge on the couch - drinking, laughing, and tapping their feet along to the music. I wish that was me. More than that I wish I never came tonight.
It's like I can still feel his hands on my body.

I look down and notice Logan is leaving a trail of red dots in his wake. When I lift my head I see him staring at me timidly - I still can't tell what he's thinking.

As I step out of the house, the 3am air is fresh on my face. My feet take me where my mind can't - away. I walk down the empty road, wrapping my arms around my body. I really wish I'd driven to the party, and not caught a lift with Maddie.  I could be home right now.

The street-lamps light up the night, and I hate feeling so exposed even though it's an eerily quiet night. Logan lags behind me, even more silent than the night.

I spot a park up ahead and cross the road towards it. I need to get Logan cleaned up, if a car comes past, or the cops, his damaged bloody hand will speak for itself.
The grass under my bare feet is covered in mildew and my feet become saturated as I walk towards the park. In our haste to leave the party, I forgot to grab my shoes. Classic Ally. I roll my eyes.
When I reach a long metal bench, I stop, turn on my heel she face him.


He looks at me for a beat longer than comfortable before listening. I'm surprised but satisfied. He sits, his head goes straight to his hands.

I leave him and walk towards the toilet block to our left.
I walk beneath the aluminum roof and turn towards the sink, ripping a wad of paper towels from the dispenser. The tap screeches as I turn it, making me jump a mile high.
Catching my face in the mirror above the sink, I frown taking in my appearance. My hair is matted and my mascara has run. I'm a wreck.
I drop the soggy heap in the sink and attempt to tidy myself up.
The florescent light tinges everything green, and I look as alien as I feel. My skin still feels as if it's crawling.
I glance back at Logan, he's still sitting on the bench staring off into the distance. I can't help wonder if he's regretting helping me.

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