Penelope Park

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For the next few months after her birthday, Hope can't help but look at Josie everytime she can. Soulmates. They are soulmates. The concept is still sinking in, but she can't deny the feelings that are creeping in. Everytime her eyes have the chance to land on the brunette, Hope feels a little more… of something. She chose to not put a word on these feelings. The only one at fault for those feelings is this stupid soul bond. She never even thought about Josie that way before. Okay, that's a lie. She did have a crush on Josie two years ago, but that lasted a week. It doesn't count, right? 

If the brunette notices the eyes on her, she doesn't say anything about it. Josie acts like everything is normal, she even smiles a little when her eyes catches Hope's. Sometimes Hope reciprocate the smile without thinking about it. Other times, she looks else where as soon as she gets caught. She wants to make efforts, and maybe even get a little closer to Josie. They could be friends, it would soften the blow when Josie's gonna learn the truth.

And then the twins 15th birthday comes, and Hope's whole plan gets thrown out the window. She got Josie a present, and she fully intends to tell the brunette she wanna be friends. Hope even dressed up for this! It takes her about an hour to actually gather the courage to walk to the big party downstairs, but when she does, the auburn haired girl immediately regrets it. There, in the middle of the dance floor, Josie is slowly dancing in the arms of Penelope Park. Body pressed close and the stars in the birthday girl's eyes can't be missed. 

The jealousy in the pit of Hope's stomach is something she's never felt before. She stands at the top of the stairs, gift in hands, totally frozen in place. It's only when MG passes near her that she steps into action. Hope grabs his arm to make him stop.

"Hey Hope! Didn't know you were coming." The kind boy says with a smile.

"Yeah, uh, I changed my mind." Hope rushes out, and then she hands him the gift. "Here, give this to Josie for me, please?"

"Uh, sure, but she's just there. I'm sure she'd love it if you gave it to her yourself."

"I can't." Hope's voice is smaller than she meant it to be.

MG frowns worriedly. "Hey, you okay Hope? If something happened-"

"MG! Please stop. Just take the freaking gift and give it to Josie for me."

Hope places the gift in MG's hands and then she turns around and leave quickly. She knows she should tell Dr. Saltzman before going out for a run, but the whole student body is litterally at the party right now, including the headmaster. So Hope doesn't tell him. She goes straight outside, running as fast as can until she's in the woods. The Mikaelson girl doesn't even take her dress off before shifting. She could take some of her emergency clothes later. Hope runs, she runs until she can't run anymore. She desperetaly needs to escape her thoughts, and the mental image of Josie pressed close to Penelope Park.

When she stops running, the sun is already up. She ran the whole night, and a good part of the morning. She quickly finds a bag of emergency clothes in the woods, shifts back and put them on. She then walks back to the school, exhausted, but calmer than the night before. That is, until she gets to the hallway leading to her room and comes face to face with her soulmate.

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