Building a connection

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"You need to dodge my attacks, or at least block them!" Hope says.

Josie wipes the sweat on her forehead with the back of her hand, and sends a glare in Hope's way. It's their first training session since Josie's been a werewolf, but the new hybrid can safely say that she absolutely hates it. Hope is doing her best to teach her basic anger management tricks in hopes that it would help Josie control herself, but the brunette just feels even more angry than before. If she wasn't sparring with her soulmate, she'd seriously consider ripping her opponent apart. Honestly, Josie feels like she's doing her best. Hope is trying to push her too hard. It's her first lesson as a werewolf, she can't be perfect!

When Hope throws another punch and it ends up straight on Josie's jaw, the brunette stumbles and ends up on her knees, her hands over her jaw.

"Oh my god, Josie, I'm so sorry. I thought you were paying attention and that you'd-"

Josie stands up, and when Hope sees her golden eyes, she immediately stops talking. The tribrid takes a step back and tightens her jaw. She has absolutely no idea of what's going to happen now, or how she should react.

Josie walks closer, and in one swift motion, she charges. Her movements are quick and precise, nothing like the clumsy ones the brunette was previously using on Hope. The Mikaelson girl dodges the punches, and does her best to fight off her soulmate. Soon enough though, they end up on the floor with Josie pining Hope to the ground. The usual brown eyes are still glowing gold, so Hope decides to put her foot down.

She needs her soulmate back...

She needs her back now.

Using all of her power, Hope wrestles Josie and soon enough she straddles the brunette. The tribrid pines Josie's wrists on the floor above her head, which makes her lean her body close to Josie's. The brunette is breathing heavily, and her golden eyes are staring right into Hope's blue ones.

Hope's own eyes flash gold for a couple of seconds. The flash is meant to be intimidating and dominating, but it ends up like a plea. It still works though, because when they turn back to blue, Josie's eyes turn back to the warm brown that Hope loves so much.

Hope is immediately relieved, and she tries to show it by gently touching Josie's face, but the brunette quickly pushes her away. In fact, Josie's rejection is so hard that Hope ends up falling to the side. She's surprised her soulmate would push her with so much strength. As she sits up and tries to bring it up, Hope realises Josie's already on her feet and rushing out of the gym.

The tribrid only sees the brunette's back, missing the hot tears streaming down Josie's cheeks. The Saltzman girl doesn't really know what just happened, but one thing is for sure : she blacked out again. Josie heads out of the gym without even glancing back at Hope, she just can't deal with her soulmate's worried eyes right now.

Josie heads straight to the only person she thinks could help her. She taps three times on the door, and it quickly opens. Keelin's smile turns to a worried frown. Gently, she pulls Josie into the room. She's a little surprised when the Saltzman girl immediately wraps her in a hug and buries her face in her neck. The woman doesn't hesitate to slowly return the embrace, giving away all the comfort she can.

After a long moment, Keelin manages to guide Josie to the bed. Together, they sit in silence for a while. Josie is playing with her fingers, silent tears still falling from her eyes as Keelin gently draws circles on her back to soothe her. Keelin waits for Josie to be ready to talk, she doesn't wanna push the teenager.

"I blacked out again." Josie quietly says. "Hope was trying to teach me self-defense to help get some edge off, but all it did was anger me. She threw one too many punches and I lost it."

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