A perfect night

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The music is so loud downstairs that Hope hears it all the way to her room. The tribrid has been pacing around for more than two hours. She's desperately trying to come up with a plan, something to make things right. She just needs to make Josie understand that their marks don't have to mean something, that they don't have to be together. Trapping the brunette in an unwanted relationship is the last Hope wants. They could go back to the way they were before. Okay, maybe not. They could at least be friends. 

Hope looks at the time. The party started almost an hour ago. The Mikaelson girl walks to look herself in the mirror. Her wine colored dress looks great, and her hair looks good enough. She should just go now, but she just can't shake the nervousness she's feeling. She'd never seen Josie as pissed as she was earlier when she learned about their soul bond. Hope knew she wouldn't be too happy about it, but her reaction was kinda surprising. 

Hope sighs, she needs to gather her courage and just go. She opens the door of her room, only for Lizzie Saltzman to come storming inside her room. 

"What the hell is taking you so long, you stupid dog?" The blonde yells at Hope.

"Excuse me?" Hope says, slowly getting angry.

"My sister is having zero fun at our birthday party because she's looking for you every two seconds. So now, move your ass and join us downstairs."

Lizzie turns around, ready to storm out the same way she stormed in, but Hope's is quick enough to stop her. Hope grabs her wrist, making the blonde turn around. Lizzie's angry features quickly turn to confused ones when she sees Hope's panicked state.

"Does she, like, hate me? She feels like I'm ruining her life, right?" 

"What? No, she… wait, I shouldn't be answering that. Ask Josie!" Lizzie rolls her eyes and takes back her arm, fully intending to exit Hope's room, but she stops at the door. "This conversation should have happened almost two years ago. Stop running from it."

Then Lizzie's gone. Hope closes her eyes, takes a couple of deep breaths, and then she walks out of her room too. The music gets louder as she gets closer to the party, and gets deafening when she's at the top of the stairs. The auburn haired girl stands there for a couple of seconds. She looks through the crowd until her eyes fall on her soulmate, and suddenly her heart skips a beat. Josie has always been beautiful, but tonight she's just drop dead gorgeous. Her hair is simply falling down on her shoulders in natural waves. The brunette is wearing a simple sleeveless light pink dress, but somehow it feels like something is missing. Hope tightens her holds on the little box in her hand, it would be perfect. 

Soon after Hope's eyes find Josie, the brunette's eyes find her too. Their eyes lock, and a relieved smile appears on the Saltzman girl's face. Hope starts to walk down the stairs, quickly attracting lots of curious eyes. As Hope makes her way down, Josie walks to the bottom of the stairs and waits for her. Hope expected Josie to still be angry, but the brunette doesn't seem mad anymore. A soft song starts to play, and couples quickly fill the dance floor.

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