Completed bond

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Hope doesn't even know how long she spends just holding Josie close to her. Her soulmate's wolf doesn't complain, she doesn't even move. The tribrid's face is buried in the brown fur, and Josie's scent is filling her nose. The tears stopped after a while and now she's just holding, not ready to let go. 

The auburn haired girl still doesn't comprehend how this is possible. None of this should have happened, and still… She's holding Josie's werewolf form in her arms. But Josie shouldn't be a werewolf. She doesn't have the gene and she didn't kill anyone. Deep down, she knows it must have something to do with this soulmate thing, or even with the claiming, but right now she doesn't wanna think about all that stuff.

Suddenly, a branch cracks from behind them and Hope feels the wolf in her arms tense. The tribrid loosen her hold on Josie to be able to look at her, and even comfort her, but as soon as Josie is out of Hope's embrace, she steps in front of her. The wolf bare its teeth, and growls lowly, daring anyone to come close. The Mikaelson girl turns around to face the intruder, and when she sees Dr. Saltzman trying to get close, Hope can't help but roll her eyes. She just wishes he'd mind his own business for once. 

When Josie's father tries to take another step closer, the brown wolf's growl gets louder and she looks even more mad than human Josie looked a couple of hours earlier. Hope watches as Alaric stops and frowns, he looks a little angry that the wolf won't let him get any closer. The tribrid smirks, feeling all too proud of her soulmate in this moment. 

The auburn haired girl stands up and walks until she stands by Josie's side. Gently, Hope pets Josie's head, hoping to calm her down a little. She knows how feelings can be overwhelming as a wolf, just as she knows how hard it is to not tear humans apart. Josie's head turns and she looks up at Hope, and at this moment Hope understands everything. The brown wolf wants everyone gone. This is their place, the four adults shouldn't be here.

Hope smiles softly as she pets Josie just behind her ear.

"You should all go." The tribrid says, her eyes never leaving the wolf. "I'll handle this."

"Hope-" The man tries.

The Mikaelson girl quickly glares at him. "I said : leave."

"What? No, Josie is my dau-"

"Are you stupid or what?" Keelin asks as she grabs him by the arm. "Your daughter is ready to tear you apart right now, the only thing that keeps her from doing so is Hope. So, you're gonna listen to her and go back to school." 


This time it's Josie's loud growl that stops him. Hope has been able to feel Josie's tension since the begining, but right now it reached its peak. Gently, but firmly, the tribrid grips the brown wolf's snout and forces her to look up at her. 

"It's enough now." Hope says firmly.

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