Loss of control

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I am so so sorry for the wait. Writer's block really is a bitch!

I really hope you'll enjoy this one!!**

"Something feels different about you." Hope softly says as they're walking hand in hand to the headmaster's office. 

Josie stops walking almost immediately, her eyes meeting her girlfriend's only for a second. The brunette looks uneasy for a moment, and she quickly looks away, biting her bottom lip in the process. 

"I don't feel different." 

The high pitched tone of Josie's voice is a clear sign that the brunette is lying. Hope somehow feels disappointed that her soulmate is trying to hide something from her.

"Oh, please don't feel like this." Josie rushes out.

Hope frowns. "I… How-"

"Hope… I feel what you feel, remember? It's so strong now. This is crazy." Then the brunette sighs, and her eyes drop to the floor. "I feel different." Josie's voice is small, barely there. "I wanted to hurt my father earlier."

Hope takes a deep shaky breath. She knew that. Actually, the tribrid is still wondering how her newly turned girlfriend managed to not rip her own father apart. The control Josie showed that night is out of this world.

Hope uses her free hand to gently move Josie's chin until the brunette is looking at her.

"You, Josette Saltzman would never do that." Hope says, as she gently caresses Josie's cheek. "I know how strong the urge is to harm when we're in wolf form. Josie… you have no idea how strong you actually are. Any other person would have ripped him apart way before you even started to growl."

Josie's soft brown eyes are filled with vulnerability when they meet Hope's. "You really think so?"

The tribrid smiles. "Could you lean your face closer to mine?"

The brunette gives her soulmate a confused look, but still does as she's asked. When their faces are close enough, Hope leaves a soft kiss to Josie's nose, her lips lingering there for a couple of seconds. Actually, she leaves her lips there until Josie's arms go around her waist and pull her close. Then, the Mikaelson girl's lips go from the brunette's nose, to her cheek, then to her jaw, only to end up on her neck. There, she feels Josie shiver when her lips ghost over the freshly healed claiming mark. 

A sudden clear of throat makes them freeze. 

"We're waiting for you." Alaric says, his voice firm.

Hope makes a move to break their embrace, but Josie is clearly not ready to let go. The brunette's hold on the tribrid's waist tightens, actually it's almost too tight, almost bruising. 

"Josie, it's enough." The Mikaelson girl tells her girlfriend, tone soft, yet demanding.

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