Flower field

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Hope feels Josie's eyes on her, and it makes studying harder than it's ever been. It was Josie's idea, for them to study together. Hope argued that it was pretty useless since they're a year apart, and don't study the same things, but Josie argued back that if she needed help, Hope could help her. Honestly, Hope didn't have it in her to refuse anything to Josie. 

It's been a week since they agreed to not push each other away anymore, and they've only grown closer. There's still some adjusting to do sometimes, but they take their time and do it. Josie learns that Hope needs space at least a couple of hours a day, and Hope learns that Josie needs physical touch to be happy. So, Josie takes a step back when Hope claims she needs "me time", and Hope lets Josie hold her hand and hug her whenever the brunette feels like it. 

They make progress everyday. Sometimes, Hope doesn't even notice that they're holding hands. Spending evenings in each other's room becomes an everyday thing. 

But now Hope really needs to study. Her test is tomorrow and this grade counts for a lot.

"Josie, stop it." Hope asks in a whine.

The brunette looks back to her books with a blush. "I'm sorry."

"Why are you distracted?" Hope asks in a sigh.

"I was just… you know, thinking."


"It's been a week since you shifted, do you feel it?"

Ḩope's grip on her books tightens. "I do, now can we please just study. I don't need to be reminded of how long I've gone without shifting."

Josie gives the tribrid a sheepish smile. "I'm sorry, it's just… I can feel how tense you are. Maybe you should go out in the woods and run for a couple of hours? It would help you for your test."

Hope shakes her head. "I'm not putting you through this again."

Josie rolls her eyes. "You can't go your whole life without shifting again Hope."

Hope runs her hand in her hair before gathering her books.

"Hope! What are you doing?"

"I need to study, and I obviously can't do it here, so I'm going to my room."

"You're not. You're just avoiding our conversation." Josie stands up and walks closer to Hope, taking the tribrid's hands in hers. "Listen to me, okay? We're both gonna go in the woods. You'll shift-" Hope starts to shake her head no, but Josie keeps talking. "and I'll wait for you."

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