The day after

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The silence in the room is only disturbed by the sound of two girls trying to catch their breaths. The brunette is clinging to the auburn haired girl's naked body, holding her close. Hope never knew that being so sore could actually feel good. Josie's head is buried in the tribrid's neck, and their legs are intertwined. It's hard to tell where one starts and where the other ends. 

Hope regained control of her body almost as soon as they stopped having sex. Her eyes took their normal shade of blue back, and she felt everything fall back in place again. She could tell it wasn't the case for her soulmate though. Josie's eyes, when they were open, were still bright gold and could just feel that the brunette wasn't herself. 

It takes the Saltzman girl a couple more minutes to be herself again. Josie's hold on Hope's waist slackened a little, and she got her face out of where it was buried in the tribrid's neck. When their eyes meet, it's blue and brown again. The brunette looks confused all of a sudden, but this confusion is clouded by sleep. Hope raises her hand and softly strokes her cheek to give her some comfort.

"It's okay Jo, you can sleep." The tribrid whispers before placing a soft kiss on the brunette's forehead. "Sleep, my love." 

It looks as if Josie is gonna protests, but then she seems to give up. Her eyes are so heavy that she just closes them and surrenders herself to sleep. Hope's eyes are glued to her soulmate's face, a soft smile never leaving her lips. They'd have time to talk and figure things out later. For now, she just wants to hold Josie close and forget about the world for a little while. So, she does just that, and it ends up with her falling asleep too. 

The Mikaelson girl wakes up to a panic that is not her own. She feels a tightness in her chest and the air refuses to get to her lungs. Hope quickly opens her eyes and scans the room to find her girlfriend. Josie is nowhere to be found and suddenly the panic in her chest is her own. It's why she's so relieved to hear the shower start a couple of seconds later. The tribrid quickly pushes her blanket away and then she gets out of bed. She's about to run straight to the door, but she quickly changes her mind. Hope heads for her desk and quickly takes a shirt and some underwear out of it. In a second, she dresses herself and then she goes to the bathroom door. The first time she knocks on the door, she does it hesitantly and it's so quiet she barely hears it herself. The tightness in her chest is only getting worse, and it pushes Hope to knock another time, way louder this time.

There's no answer. Hope waits and she knocks a third time.

"Josie, can I come in?" Hope leans her forehead on the door when the brunette stays silent. "Please."

This time she gets a quiet answer to come in, and the tribrid's heart makes a jump in her chest. She doesn't miss one more second before opening the door of the bathroom.  When Hope sets her eyes on Josie, her heart shatters. The brunette in sitting under the running shower still dressed in a shirt and some underwear, curled up in ball and holding her knees close to her chest. Hope takes careful steps towards her soulmate. It's only when she's crouching down next to the bathtub that the brunette's head snaps up. The fear and panic Hope can read in Josie's eyes make her want to reach out and hold her girlfriend close, but the Mikaelson girl knows better. 

"Josie, you need to breathe." Hope gently and slowly says. "Stay with me, and breathe love."

The brown eyes fill with tears, but the tribrid can see Josie's trying. She's taking shaky breaths, desperately trying to calm herself down.

"Keep going, you're doing so good love." The tribrid assures her. "Do you need me to do something?

"H-hold me." Josie finally asks after a couple of seconds spent in silence.

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