A wolf's claim

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Josie and Hope are sitting in Alaric and Caroline's office, both looking down as Josie's parents scold them.

"You couldn't stay away from each other for a night!" Caroline says.

"You both knew it was for your own good." Alaric adds. "We don't know what's up with Hope's wolf. What if it hurts you Josie? And you Hope, how would you feel about hurting Josie?"

"I would never hurt Josie!" Hope says, suddenly angry. 

Josie reaches out and holds Hope's hand. The tribrid's attention stays on the two adults, daring them to imply again that she'd hurt their daughter.

"I had a nightmare." Josie says, her voice small. "I-I just… needed to be with Hope. Just to be sure…"

Caroline's face softens. "Oh sweetie, of what did you need to be sure?"

Josie's cheeks turn a dark shade of pink. "That she was still… my soulmate. That I was still hers."

Caroline and Alaric exchange a look, both of them clearly worried.

"What happened in your dream Josie?" Alaric softly asks.

Josie shakes her head. "Nothing much."


"It's fine!" Josie insists.

Caroline sighs. "Okay. You two, stay away from each other, at least until Freya comes back with answers. Understood?" Silence, neither of them answers. "I said, understood?"

"Yes mom…" 

"Yes, Mrs. Forbes."

"Good. Now go to class."

Just like that, the two girls separate again. But, not without looking back at each other a couple of times. Hope knows it hurts Josie to walk away, she knows because she can feel it. Though, she wonders if her own pain is laced with Josie's at this moment. Walking away from the Saltzman girl is harder now than it's ever been before. 

The day passes slowly, and Hope takes every chance she gets to get even a glimpse of her soulmate. Sometimes they pass each other in the halls, other times they're sitting in the same room for a witch class. Hope decides to actually have dinner in the cafeteria, because seeing Josie from far away is better than not seeing Josie at all. 

But the thing is Josie doesn't show up at dinner. MG, Kaleb and Lizzie are all sitting a table, chatting, but Josie's not there. Hope looks around, but there's no signs of her favorite brunette. Quickly, the Mikaelson girl gets up and makes her way to her soulmate's twin, forgetting all about her dinner.

"Lizzie, where's Josie?" Hope asks, worry seeping in her voice.

Lizzie turns around and gives Hope an annoyed look.

"She said something about helping Raf with homework." Lizzie says, but then she frowns. "She should be here by now though…"

Hope quickly gets worried. "Where were they supposed to be?"

"The library I guess…" Lizzie replies, and then she stands up. "I'll go look for her."

"Yeah, me too." Hope says with a nod.

They start to walk out of the room, and then Lizzie gives Hope a weird look.

"You're not supposed to spend time together."

"I don't care!" Hope snaps.

"Calm down Mikaelson! They probably only lost track of time, Josie loves studying…"

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