Unexpected event

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Hope gently threads her fingers through Josie's hair. The brown locks are soft, and Hope thinks she could plays with them for hours if her soulmate let her. She's been unable to sleep after she claimed the younger girl, but Josie fell asleep soon after. Turns out, the whole claiming process drained a lot of the brunette's energy. 

Sometime during the night, Freya opened the door of Hope's room and found the couple cuddling on the bed. She smiled at her still awake niece, receiving a shy smile in answer. The woman decided that the teenagers deserved to rest a little, so she let them be. She didn't see the bandage on Josie's neck, or the way Hope's whole body tensed when she came in. 

That's how they still are now, hours after Freya came to check up on them. With Hope laying on her back, and Josie cuddled to her right side, her head resting near Hope's chest. In that moment, Hope feels good. She's never felt as complete as she does now. 

But that thought scares her to death, because… what if it doesn't last?

What if Josie dies? What if she leaves?

What if… she simply regrets the whole claiming?

A thousand thoughts run through Hope's mind, and whenever they get too loud, or too oppressing, she tightens her hold on Josie. Because Josie is her soulmate. Josie is her mate. Josie is hers, and she's Josie's. 

The tribrid is kinda surprised Josie hasn't woken up yet. She's been squeezing her a lot, and the brunette's been asleep for a little more than 10 hours now. She'd never wake Josie up on purpose, but Hope kinda wishes she'd wake soon. Her arm feels numb, she needs to go to the bathroom, and she's so damn hungry.

Her wish is heard a couple of minutes later when Josie starts to move. Gently, Hope moves some hair out of her face and smiles down at her as the brunette's eyes flutter open.

"Good morning Jo."

Josie's face splits into a blinding smile. "Am I still dreaming?"

Hope chuckles. "No. But, it's good to know you dream about me."

"You started to appear in my dreams when I was like twelve." Josie says just before yawning.

"Twelve?" Hope asks, an amused smile playing on her lips. 

Josie rolls her eyes and sits up in bed, quickly followed by Hope.

"I had a crush on you."

"You had a crush on me?" The tribrid asks, her voice full of surprise. 

Josie turns her head so she can look at her girlfriend with a soft smile.

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