Josie's birthday

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A week. There's only a week left before Josie's birthday. Maybe it makes Hope really nervous. Okay, no, she's scared to death. Her relationship with Josie is civil at best right now, but her relationship with Josie's twin, Lizzie, is a total war zone. Hope had a verbal fight with the blonde Saltzman twin the day before, resulting in Lizzie storming away from her and Josie shooting her a glare.

"You have a week to tell her, Hope." Alaric says between two punches.

"I know." Hope replies with a kick in her mentor's ribs.

Alaric groans and takes a step back. "You're being aggressive today."

Hope rolls her eyes. "No more than any other day. You're getting old, that's all."

"Be carefull with your words Hope." Alaric glares.

Then they're both laughing and Hope feels a little better, a little less stressed. The tribrid gathers her things, she really needs a shower before she gets to class. Just as she closes her bag, Alaric's words makes her freeze.

"Don't wait until she has her soul mark and asks about it. You should tell her before."

"I will." Hope replies through gritted teeth. 

Hope walks back to her room, feeling a good kind of exhaustion, the kind that makes her feel relaxed. On her way to her room, she passes Josie in the hall. Her heart skips a beat and somehow she feels brave. So Hope walks to the brunette with a small smile.

"Hi Josie."

"Hi." Josie says, clearly unsure.

"So, are you having a good day?" Hope asks, and she immediately wants to smack herself. It's 7 in the morning, Josie's day haven't even started yet.

"Uh, yes? I guess. I had a good night of sleep and no Penelope Park in sight, so I'm good." 

"Awesome. Uh, I was wondering, like, could we talk?" 

"My sister has no desire to speak with you Mikaelson." Lizzie snaps as she appears behind Josie. 

Suddenly, Hope's calm and collected attitude is thrown out the window. She balls her hands in fists and restrains herself from just telling Lizzie Saltzman to fuck off.

"Good morning Lizzie, it's good to see you're in a good mood today." Hope says instead.

Lizzie rolls her eyes. "Fuck off Mikaelson."

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