Consequences of distance

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Hope didn't expect to feel a shift in their bond as soon as Alaric's car disappears from the road that leads to the school. But when she no longer sees the car, Hope feels empty. It's just now that the tribrid realizes how much space Josie took in her life. 

Hope walks through the halls, alone, with no hand to hold. She gets to her own room, and the silence that fills it when she closes the door is deafening. Hope leans against the door and closes her eyes, doing her best to steady herself. Josie's been gone for a few minutes, she shouldn't miss her that much already.

The more time passes, the worst Hope feels. 

The next day, Hope realizes that it doesn't hurt. It does way worse than hurting actually. 

Hope walks in Alaric's office, panic written all over her face. 

"I can't feel Josie." 

"What did you-"

Hope quickly repeats herself. "I can't feel Josie! I can't feel her anymore Dr. Saltzman." 

Alaric quickly stands up when he sees his student that is usually emotionally guarded, on the verge of crying. He walks closer to Hope, but the Mikaelson girl takes a step back and turns her back to him.

"D-do you think… that the bond could be severed by space?" Hope asks, her voice breaking.

Alaric walks closer again, and places what he hopes is a comforting hand on Hope's shoulder.

"I don't know Hope. Does it hurt?" 

The tribrid shakes her head. "No. I told you, I feel nothing. Empty."

"Empty?" He says, curious.

Hope sighs loudly and turns around. "It's like there's a Josie sized hole in my life. I knew I'd feel her absence, but I thought I would at least feel her."

"I see." The man caress his beard, deep in thoughts.

They're both startled when Alaric's phone starts to ring. The man quickly excuses himself and takes the call.

"Caroline! Hi, how are-" He abruptly stops talking. "I see." He hums. "Yeah, we didn't know what would happen." He pauses and listens. "She's here with me." 

Suddenly Hope decides to listen more closely since they're talking about her. 

"Yes, she feels like that too." There's a small pause. "Of course, give me a second." Alaric hands the phone to Hope. "Josie would like to speak to you."

The tribrid's eyes widen. "Really?"

He smiles. "Yes."

Hope hesitantly takes the phone. "Hi?"

Josie sniffles. "Hi…"

Hope immediately knows Josie's been crying. "Josie, what's wrong?"

"I-I can't f-feel you. Since we've been in that plane… Hope, do you think we're not soulmates anymore?"

"I-I…" Hope swallows the lump in her throat. "Yes, we still are. Your name is still tattooed on my skin. Is my name still on yours?"


"Then it must mean we're still soulmates. That kind of thing doesn't just disappear, right?"

"Right. Why can't I feel you then?"

"I can't feel you either. It must be because of the distance separating us. Do you remember the movie night? The way I could feel even your smallest forms of pain? The connection between us gets strong when we're physically close, and nonexistent when we're too far away from each other."

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