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"Have you been feeling out of control?" Josie softly asks in Hope's ear.

Josie's the first one to talk in more than 10 minutes of silence. After Hope admitted she had no idea what was happening when her eyes turned gold, Josie tightened her hold on the tribrid. They settled in silence, letting themselves just feel each other's presence for a while.

"No… Not really. When I realized we both couldn't feel each other, I started to spend a lot of time as a wolf. It was easier to forget the void in my chest."

Josie stops her gentle strokes on Hope's arm for a second or two. She knows all too well what Hope means. She felt that emptiness too while she was away. As soon as the brunette got on her plane, she regretted leaving.

"I felt it too." Josie whispers. "Why do you think your eyes turned gold for so long?"

Hope suddenly feels defensive. "I told you already. I have no idea."

The little kiss Josie places on her shoulder makes Hope's heart stop in her chest.

"No need to get defensive. I was only asking."

Josie's soft voice immediately makes Hope feel bad about snapping at her. Hope slowly turns around in Josie's arms, and when she's face to face with the brunette, her words get stuck in her throat. She loves Josie's face so much, why did she never noticed that before? Josie moves her arm from around Hope's waist, and slowly moves her hand up to Hope's face. 

"Did I scare you?" Hope finally asks.

"No." Josie says, not even hesitating.

"You're too trusting." Hope replies, but she gives Josie a small smile. "How was Europe?"

"Good. Amazing views, and so many things to do. But I didn't enjoy it as much as I would've a couple of months ago. There was something else on my mind."

Hope knows Josie is talking about her, but she decides to play the younger girl's game.

"Oh yeah, what was it?"

"It's not something, but rather someone."

"Then, who is it?"

Hope can't help but notice how dilated Josie's eyes are. They're so close now. Josie's eyes fall on Hope's lips for a couple of seconds, before slowly going back to Hope's eyes.

"Do I really need to say it out loud?" Josie whispers.

"I'd like to hear it."

"You, Hope Mikaelson, never left my mind as I wandered around Europe with my mother and sister." Josie quickly lets out. She takes a deep breath before speaking again. "Happy?"

Hope nods. "You never left my mind either."

Their eyes stay glued on each other. Hope wishes she'd be brave enough to do something right now. Maybe something like kiss Josie, just to show her how much she missed her. Maybe even admit that being friends with the brunette was never really an option, and she knows it now. But nothing happens, Hope's body stays frozen. Josie on the other hand, does move. The Saltzman girl take her hand away from Hope's face and stands up from the bed. 

Hope helplessly watches as her soulmate pulls away. There is so much emotions in the air, that Hope isn't even sure about which one are hers. 

The tribrid sits up in bed and watches as the brunette stands in the middle of her room, arms crossed. 

"Is something wrong?" Hope asks.

"I-uh, no. I just needed some space, because you were being very romantic again, and well, my heart has its limit."

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