Wolf form

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Spending more time with Josie proves to be… pleasant. The brunette has a nice easy smile, a kindness that has no matches and a way of caring Hope is not used to. The Mikaelson family have a different way of caring than Josie. They protect, they defend. Josie's type of caring is more in the every day things. The brunette makes sure Hope eats well, that she sleeps enough and that's she's overall happy. It feels good, and Hope is slowly getting used to it. 

"Are we still on for movie night?" Josie asks with a hopeful smile.

Hope opens her mouth to answer, but she's quickly cut off.

"Did I hear movie night?" Lizzie says as she walks into the common room with MG and Kaleb.

"And we're not invited?" MG adds.

"Since when are you two close enough to have a movie night anyway?" Kaleb asks, with a confused frown. 

Hope and Josie look at each other, and when Hope sees the fondness on Josie's face, she can't help but blush a little and look down. This reaction gets them weird looks from the two boys who have no idea they're soulmates. 

"Are you guys dating? 'Cause I won't lie, that'd be hot." Kaleb asks with a smirk.

MG slaps his arms. "Apologize to the ladies."

Kaleb rolls his eyes. "No way, I'm only speaking the truth."

"Stop it guys." Josie says with a smile. "We're not dating, just friends. We're training partners now." Josie turns her attention to Hope, who's still recovering from her blush. "Want to make this movie night friend inclusive? Or just the two of us?"

The tribrid shrugs. "They can join us, but I only have snacks for the two of us."

"I can totally be on snack duty." MG says with a bright smile.

"I have some suggestions for the movies-" Lizzie tries.

"No." Josie shakes her head. "Hope and I already chose the movies, sorry."

Lizzie groans. "And what are they?"

"Pacific Rim and Power Rangers." Hope replies.

Lizzie's eyes widen. "What are you? Two twelve year old boys?"

"Are you kidding me?" MG says excitedly. "It's awesome!"

"It's two action movies, we could at least-"

Josie sighs. "Lizzie, drop it." The brunette takes her bag and stands up. "I'm going to class, I don't wanna be late. I'll see you all later."

"Wait, where are we watching the movies?" Kaleb asks.

Josie glances at Hope, not sure if their plan could still stand. "Well, we were supposed to watch them in Hope's room, but-"

Hope shakes her head. "It's fine. We can watch them in my room."

"Perfect." Josie smiles one last time and walk out of the common room.

Hope grabs her own bag, ready to go to class too. She walks to class under the suspicious eyes of Lizzie, the bright smile of MG and the smirk of Kaleb. Hope is still asking herself if having friends is a good thing or not. 

Being Josie's friend was great, and totally worth hanging out with other people though.


The tribrid looks around her room one last time as she waits for her guests to come over. The bed is neatly made. She placed cushions on the floor for those who won't fit on the bed. Everything looks tidy and the movies are ready to be played. This is way more stressful than she thought it would be. 

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