The Merge

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Hope takes a quick glance at Josie. The brunette is standing on the other side of the classroom, talking to the teacher about god knows what. 

Josie is wearing tight black pants, a white button up shirt with a cute collar and a yellow jacket. Hope thinks it's not fair. Nobody should look that good while wearing yellow. That's not a color that makes someone hot, but Josie Saltzman manages to pull it off. 

Hope knows she's staring, but she can't help it. It's been three days since their first kiss, and two days since their last one. Freya, Alaric and Caroline made them swear they wouldn't get closer until Freya and Keelin would get to Mystic Falls. 

Hope's aunt insisted to be there when the claiming would happen. It's actually the only thing that made Josie's parents to accept the claim.  Freya said she'd make sure it would be safe for Hope, and for Josie. 

Freya would get to the school today, more like tonight, and Hope was just dying for her to finally be here. The tribrid missed spending alone time with Josie. She missed cuddling with Josie. She missed kissing Josie. 

"You staring at my sister is pretty gross Mikaelson." Lizzie says with a fake gag.

Hope rolls her eyes and decides to tease Lizzie a little.

"Soon, staring at your sister won't be the only thing I'll be doing." 

Lizzie looks like the idea is totally offending to her. She opens her mouth and then closes it. Hope smirks, happy she finally managed to shut the blonde girl up. 

"What's going on here?" Josie says as she sits down next to Hope. 

"Your girlfriend is being disgusting and putting horrible images in my head!" Lizzie groans. "I'm out of here."

Josie's mouth hangs open, and her eyes go wide. She quickly turns to Hope, looking totally panicked.

"I swear I didn't tell her you're my girlfriend."

Hope smirks and shakes her head. "You don't want me to be your girlfriend then."

"That's… not what I said." Josie says, a light blush forming on her cheeks as she looks down. 

Hope reaches out and gently places a strand of Josie's hair behind her ear, carefull as to not expose her neck as she's doing so. That's another thing they promised. Josie would keep her hair down to cover her neck as to not tempt Hope, and they both would hide their marks. Just to make sure Hope would stay in control until they'd go through with the claim.

Hope smiles and nods. "Then what do you want Josie?"

"I-I want to know what you said to Lizzie."

All of a sudden, Hope's confidence fall. She wasn't expecting this. She really didn't mean for Josie to hear what she said earlier. She only said that to tease Lizzie. 

"You're blushing! Oh my god, Hope what did you say?" Josie says barely containing her laughter.

"I told Lizzie that I would soon be doing way more than stare at you." Hope says, avoiding Josie's eyes.

Now, Josie can't help it, she starts laughing. Hope quickly looks up, a fond smile growing as she sees her soulmate look so free. 

"Miss Saltzman! Please be quiet, or I'll have to ask you to leave class and inform your father." Their teacher scolds Josie.

Josie's eyes grow big, she puts a hand over her mouth to contain her laughter and nods to let the teacher know she'll stop. With one last glare at Hope and Josie, the teacher looks back to the board. Hope's eyes go back to Josie, and the fond smile comes back. Josie takes her hand off of her mouth, and returns Hope's smile.

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