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"Kellin, Kellin, wait a minute!" Vic called after me as I ran across his front yard.

"Get back in the house!" I called back, but didn't stop or turn around. He had betrayed my trust, not that I trusted him in the first place anyway. He deliberately broke into my locker and stole my lyric book and why? So he could make fun of it with his piece of shit fucking friends! I was beyond mad at that jerk.

"Slow down." He said, but I didn't need to because he caught up to me easily and stood in front of me. He put his hands to my chest to stop me. I hit them away violently.

"How many fucking times do I have to tell you not to touch me before you get it through your thick head?" I shouted.

"Okay, you're mad, I can see that but-"

"Don't talk to me, Vic. I don't want to hear whatever bullshit excuse you have. Just stay away from me." I pushed past him and speed-walked down the street. I tried to keep my anger under control. I was breathing heavily, gritting my teeth and my hands were clenched tightly into fists. I could hear Vic still following me.

I spun around for a second, shouted out "leave me alone," before spinning back around.

"I'm making sure you get home safe." He said. I completely stopped and turned to him this time.

"No!" I said forcefully, taking a step towards him,

"Stop pretending that you care for me, because you don't. Nobody does, okay? Nobody! And if you say you do then you're a fucking liar. So if you would just kindly skip ahead to the part where you realize I'm not worth it then this would become a whole lot fucking easier. Just stay away from me." I was glaring at him as the words poured out of my mouth. I don't know why I said all of that. I could have just told him to leave me alone, but for some reason I can never keep my mouth closed and I always go that extra mile.


"Leave me alone." I hissed. I didn't want him to talk. If he talked then he'd have some kind of sweet one-liner that will make me feel good about myself even though it's a lie, and then I'll get those horrible butterflies in my stomach and then next thing I know I'll be inviting him home with me. I spun back around and continued walking down the street with my fists shoved in my hoodie pockets. He was still following me, I could hear his footsteps, but I didn't react. I had a feeling he wouldn't leave anyway.

When I got to my house, my Dad's friend's car was still in the driveway so I know I had to sneak in. I glanced back at Vic to see him watching me from the street. He watched me walk across my front yard, go around to the side of my house, take my bedroom window key off the top of the window and unlock it. I looked at him, wondering why he hadn't left yet. He was just standing there watching me. I rolled my eyes and pushed my window up, and then he spoke to me.

"You're worth it." He called out. I looked at him, his eyes looking directly at mine even though we couldn't see very well in the dark. I knew he wouldn't let me leave in peace. I knew he had to have the last word, but I wouldn't let him.

"You're a liar." And with that I climbed into my window.


When I woke up the next morning I was still pissed. I spent the entire night fuming over that bastard. What gives him the right to treat me like this? He's ruining my life one day, saving it the next, kissing me, then stealing things from me for his own amusement and then...ugh! I just don't understand him! There was so much more I wanted to say to him last night which I didn't because honestly I was too upset to think straight, but now I'm going back to his house to get my notebook and I'm not going to hold back my thoughts this time.

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