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Back in Michigan at my small school Valentine's day wasn't a big thing at all. But at this school the halls were littered with pink confetti and posters of hearts plastered the walls. Girls were walking around with roses after their boyfriends or crushes gave it to them. People were slipping love letters into lockers and trying to run away unnoticed. Some people, mostly girls were walking around with hopeful looks on their faces, even though there were no boys looking in their direction.

And then there was me, who was hoping to God that Vic didn't get me anything because I didn't get him anything. I mean, we just started doing whatever it is we're doing the day before yesterday and we've barely even talked since then, so we are so not even close to being ready for Valentine's day presents. I walked up to my locker in the crowded hallway. I opened it and sitting there on top of my books was a neatly wrapped present, about the size of a book, a guess. Oh fuck.

I looked around quickly but there was no sign of Vic, or any of his friends for that matter. I looked back down at the present, groaning quietly. What the hell did he go and get me? That is if it's from him, of course. There was no sticker or tag on it to indicate who it was from. Maybe the person got the wrong locker. Then again, Vic's the only one who somehow knows my locker combination.

"Hey." The devil, uh, I mean Vic, appeared at my side. He leant against the locker next to mine with his arms crossed, facing me. "Do you have any idea how hard it is not to just kiss you?" He whispered. I looked around to make sure no one heard. I don't think they did. He sure is game about all this. He's openly talking to me, not caring if anyone sees, but everyone just thinks I'm Mike's friend so it isn't out of the ordinary that we're talking.

"What did you do?" I asked, pointing to the present. He looked at it and a devilish smile crossed his face.

"I don't know what you're talking about." He lied, and with that he walked off down the hall. I looked at the present again and flipped it over, hoping for some sort of hint as to what it was, instead I found a folded piece of paper underneath it. I unfolded it and read it.

'Open it. Don't go to class. Meet me where we had detention.' the note said in surprisingly neat writing. Even in note form he's bossy. I sighed and folded the note back up before putting it in my pocket. I picked up the present, but still keeping it in my locker so people walking by couldn't see it. I slowly ripped the sticky tape off, being careful not to tear the blue wrapping paper. I opened it, realizing that it was in fact a book. I flipped it over to look at the cover and I almost screamed when I saw it. I turned it back over, throwing multiple notebooks on top of it. I knew I was blushing like crazy. That idiot! I can't believe he- oh my god.

The bell rang and I stayed at my locker, waiting for everyone to go off to class. Once the hall was empty I picked up the book and stormed my way to the back of the school. Vic was waiting for me on the opposite side of the fire escape door.

"Really, Vic? The Kama Sutra?!" I asked. This was...embarrassing. Anybody could have seen this book. Did he think of that?

"I thought it was a good idea." He said, laughing.

"How is a book full of sex positions a good idea?" I asked. I regretted the words as soon as they came out of my mouth.

"Well..." He walked towards me, putting his hands on my waist, pulling me to him. "Turn to page 43."

I looked at him cautiously before slowly turning to page 43. I snapped the book shut when I saw the picture.

"I am not doing that." I said, my face heating up again.

"You will, in time." He grinned and kissed me, but I didn't kiss back. He noticed and stopped. He looked at me and I looked away nervously.

"It was just a joke, Kellin." He said with a chuckle.

"Yeah, yeah I know." I said quietly. It still bothered me though. He's already at least thinking about doing these things with me and here I am having only kissed a boy, nothing further. And Vic has most likely done everything; well I don't know that for sure and I'm not willing to ask. What if he expects me to do these things before I'm ready? It's way too early to even begin thinking of this.

"Then what's the problem?" He asked. I shook all the thoughts out of my head. I'd worry about it when the time came. Right now I was alone with Vic and I was going to take advantage of it.

"Nothing. Nothing's wrong." I said and placed my lips on his. He smiled into the kiss and pulled me closer. I love the feeling I get when I kiss him. Who would have thought I'd ever feel this way about Vic Fuentes. I shouldn't have forgiven him for my first week here, well at least I shouldn't have forgiven him so quickly, but it was difficult not to because he really seemed like he wanted to start over, and although he's a total dick, he's surprisingly sweet when it's just the two of us.

Vic stopped kissing me and surprised me by picking me up and pushing me against the wall. Holy fuck, I knew those arms had some sort of strength in them but I didn't know how easily he could pick me up. I dropped the book and held his arms for support and instinctively wrapped my legs around him.

"Hmm, would you look at that, half way to page 43 already." He said and winked before kissing me again, pushing his lower body against me harder. Well that escalated quickly. What was that I was saying about him being sweet? Yeah, scratch that. You can't be sweet when you're a sex god.


"Is that a hickey?" Mike asked when he sat next to me at lunch time.

"No." I said quickly and slapped my hand over my neck. I glared at Vic across from me before looking down at the table, ignoring Jaime and Tony's teasing looks. Vic clearly bit my neck earlier and that's where it stopped. I didn't want to go back to class turned on and looking like I had just been bitten by a vampire.

"So are you two, like, dating?" Tony asked. I sat there shyly, waiting for Vic to answer them. He kicked me lightly instead and I looked up.

"Are we?" Vic asked. I shrugged as if I didn't care. Are we really going to talk about it in front of Tony, Jaime and Mike?

"Yes." Vic said defiantly. I guess that's settled then. Wow. I actually have a boyfriend. Vic Fuentes is my first boyfriend. It's not like me to jump into something so quickly, especially when I have a feeling something bad will probably happen. But I can't deny the way he makes me feel, so I won't.

"Incoming." Jaime said in a low voice.

I looked up and a second later a blonde girl was sitting next to me. I recognized her as Jenna, the same girl that was at Vic's party, running through the room about to puke. She looked a lot better now that she was sober. I looked at the other four boys. Jaime and Mike, who were almost always friendly, gave her a smile. The usually cold and distant Vic just gave her a quick nod. Tony on the hand was practically beaming at the girl's presence.

"Hey Jen, what's up?" Mike asked when the other boys didn't make a move to talk to her.

"Not much. Just want to see how your Valentine's day is going." She said with a smile. I noticed that when she wasn't slurring from drunkenness, she had an Australian accent. "Got any special Valentine's this year?" She asked.

"Only like, five." Mike said, causing the rest of us to laugh at how egotistical he was.

"None, as per normal." Jaime said.

"What about you, Vic?" She asked. If only she knew Vic was now officially taken, but she didn't, so I was expecting Vic to lie.

"I do." He said. I looked at him in alarm. Don't tell me this girl also knows he's gay?

"Oh, anyone I've met before?" Jenna asked. Vic shook his head, saying no. I guess that's not a complete lie. Jenna actually hasn't technically met me before, but she was about to.

"Who's this cutie?" Jenna asked, pointing to me. She completely ignored Tony's stuttering feeble attempt at an answer to her previous Valentine's question. Poor Tony. He must really like this girl because he looked like a total nervous wreck.

"That's Kellin." Mike answered for me.

"Cool name." She said with a smile before standing up. "Anyway, I'll go look elsewhere for a suitable Valentine. Goodbye, boys." She said and sauntered away from the table. I looked at Tony who now had his head on the table, groaning because of his missed chance with the girl.

Jenna's entire attitude kind of pissed me off. It wasn't that she was blunt and overly preppy, but what I realized was that she must have a crush on either Mike or Vic. She came over clearly looking for a "suitable Valentine", but Jaime said he didn't have one and she completely ignored Tony, which meant she gave up on her quest when Mike and Vic said they were taken. The thought that she could like Vic angered me. It's not like she has a chance with him anyway, but it still bothers me. I've never had a boyfriend so I've never known what this kind of jealousy was like. I don't like it. I shouldn't be jealous anyway 'cause Jenna is a girl and last I checked, Vic doesn't like girls- at least I don't think he does.

I shook the stupid thoughts out of my head. Finally the bell rang, signaling music class and Vic and I walked there together, keeping our distance from prying eyes. I could tell everyone found it weird that a loser like me was hanging out with Vic's group, but no one questioned me about it.

"Hey," Vic said, getting my attention in the loud hallway. I looked up at him. "Talk to your dad tonight and ask if you can stay out tomorrow night."

"Why?" I asked.

"'Cause I want you to come to my place after school. There's something I want to ask you." He said.

"Can't you ask me now?" I asked. Curiosity was boiling up inside me. What could he possibly have to ask me about which he can't ask me here?

"It's better if I show you." He said. This intrigued me. He definitely has my attention now. "Just make sure your dad is cool with it. Even if he's not, I'm kidnapping you anyway."

It's Harder Breathing Next To You // KELLICWhere stories live. Discover now