Authors Note

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Hello All and  Welcome to my regular readers and any new readers.

This story has been in the back of my mind for a while now, so much it so its been clawing to get out. (No pun intended!)

Now onto the Story.  This is a Wolf story.  The main character, Hunter Stone is a foul-mouthed, sometimes violent, arrogant, possessive, extremely attractive and occasional jerk! (and he knows it)  Wolf. BUT this is not going to be like the other wolf stories out there - I like to add my own spin on the story. So if you're looking for the traditional Alpha storyline... then you may want to hit the back button - although I hope you give it a shot.  I'd also like to point out Hunter says 'yeah' a lot!  He's from east end London, a cockney accent, therefore its one of his 'go to' words!  PLEASE DON'T BOTHER TELLING ME HOW MUCH IT ANNOYS YOU WHEN I'VE WARNED YOU!!

👉🏼Please Note - There will be lots of swearing and crude language - so if you don't like sort of writing - then please hit that back button.  Its not my intention to offend or upset anyone. And please if you're under please, as I don't hold back.

ALSO This was one of the first stories I ever wrote and I dabbled in first person as the same time, so excuse any craziness you may see as no doubt I flip between past and present tenses - but a girls gotta learn.  HOWEVER, there will be 3rd person POV in the prologue and I've also included interludes to move the story forward and they will also be in 3rd person POV.

And final note...I know I go on and on 🙄 it's a faced paced story, not a slow burn, mates have instant attraction. 😘

And final, final note... my stories will always remain free and open to all, as I've got no ambition to be an author. Therefore, all's I ask is if you like it - tell me by either voting or leaving a comment its appreciated as all's I want to do is entertain you guys and drag you from your real lives for a short time.

On that note, Thanks for reading, Chrissy xx

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