Chapter 21 - Hunter

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A dull ache throbbed in the back of my head—because I'd hardly fucking slept.

But here I was sitting in my office, on a Monday morning. Sunday having come and gone with no contact from Sage.

Blinking, I tried to push those nagging doubts that had prevented me from sleeping to the back of my mind and focus on work. But my eyes kept drifting to the time as I flicked through my emails.

She would be here in ten minutes.

Ten minutes and I would know if everything was good between us.

I hardly recognised the person I'd become, sat here waiting for a woman, but she wasn't just any woman and what was more worrying, this change had happened in less than a week.

Picking up my phone, and scrolling through my messages, I hovered over her last message. Since last night I had resisted the urge to text again. Which was fucking hard to do after my conversation with Gunner about a rogue blue-eyed wolf that may or may not know something about the recent suicides.

Leaning back in my chair I ran my hand through my hair, going over and over our last conversation. She had asked for space, and I had to respect that, even though everything inside me told me I should stop what I was doing and go find her.

My wolf grumbled. I know, pal. I fucking know.

I needed to concentrate and distract myself. The packs would start nagging me for answers soon and I needed something concrete to work with. Something to shift the emphasis from this rogue.

But why?

I didn't believe there was a cat-in-hells chance that Sage was this blue-eyed rogue wolf.

There was no fucking way she would lower herself to be involved with any of those shifty bastards. I was sure of it.

Then why couldn't I shift this gut feeling that something wasn't right?

Was I blind where Sage Dufrene was concerned?

Fucked if I knew.

I just knew I wanted her. More than I had ever wanted anything. End of.

My phone vibrated.

It was Zander; he was almost here. He had arrived late last night in a foul mood, so we didn't talk, just went running together, our wolves letting loose through the woods, which was fine by me.

But now I wanted answers—I had hoped we could chat this morning before I came to the office, but he was out cold, probably jet-lagged.

I was jarred out of my thoughts by a knock on my door.


Sitting up straight, my heart began going like the clappers. Taking a deep breath, I put my phone down.

Look relaxed. DO NOT look desperate.

"Come." I had no control over the cheesy grin plastered on my face as I stood up.

What the Fuck?

My smile dropped; replaced by confusion. It wasn't Sage. My wolf growled.

It was some blonde piece I'd never seen before, standing there smiling at me.

"Good Morning Mr Stone," she said, pushing her chest out. My eyes flicked to her left, peering around her. Surely Sage must be behind her.

She cleared her throat. "Mr Stone," she said again.

I blinked and stared at this stranger in my office. "Err, yeah. Sorry, I was expecting someone else. Do I know you Miss?"

She shook her head and her blonde curls fell forward. "No Sir, the agency sent me. A replacement assistant to fill in short-term?"

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